Home » ATBEF and partners follow Togo’s FP2030 commitments – TOGOTOPNEWS

ATBEF and partners follow Togo’s FP2030 commitments – TOGOTOPNEWS

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ATBEF and partners follow Togo’s FP2030 commitments – TOGOTOPNEWS

The Togolese Association for Family Welfare (ATBEF) organized this Tuesday, March 07, 2023 a workshop to validate the implementation report of the Motion Tracker project. This is part of the monitoring of the commitments made by Togo for 2030 in terms of family planning.

The objective of this meeting, according to the executive director of the ATBEF, Noélie Koevi-Koudam, is to assess the data that has been collected and to validate them together with the partners who participate in achieving these results. ” The validation will allow us to see the level where we are in relation to the commitments made by Togo. After the validation, it will be a question of rectifying the situation if necessary or of continuing the actions which are planned within the framework of these commitments in terms of family planning. “, she added.

It should be noted that the Motion Tracker project was initiated to monitor the 2020 commitments made at the Ouagadougou Conference by the 9 countries including Togo. As they expire, new FP2030 commitments have been made to span a new decade, with the goal of achieving goals to improve the sexual and reproductive health of women, youth, and adolescents.

The monitoring of new commitments was done through data collection based on indicators resulting from the deconstruction of these commitments. These data, are activities, compiled in a report in order to note the progress of Togo in the realization of the commitments FP230.

Among other partners present at the meeting, we can mention AmplifyPF, the Directorate of Mother and Child, the Ouagadougou Partnership and civil society organizations involved in reproductive health.

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  • Increase the modern contraceptive prevalence rate (mCPR) among married women from 23.1% in 2020 to 32% in 2026 and from 20.4% in 2020 to 29.5% in 2026 among all women.
  • On the basis of the amount granted in 2020, which is 150,000,000 FCFA, increase the State subsidy by 50% in 2022 and by 25% from 2023 until 2026 for the security of contraceptive products.
  • Guarantee access for adolescents and young people to comprehensive information and quality services adapted to their age and their needs allowing them to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health between 2022 and 2026 in order to reduce the rate birth rate among adolescents in Togo from 79%o in 2017 to 56%o in 2026.
  • Ensure the continued availability of contraceptive products at service delivery points in accordance with the Policies, Standards and Protocols, in order to go from 36.9% of health facilities without stockouts in the last 3 months to 70% in 2026
  • Strengthen the inter- and intra-sectoral coordination of FP interventions and the use of evidence by 2030.
  • Togolese civil society involved in RH/FP contributes to mobilizing 10% of financial resources for FP by 2026.


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