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Extreme temperatures in North America ~ Mondoblog

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Extreme temperatures in North America ~ Mondoblog


The planet is warming and the climate is disrupted at all points. This reality is less and less ignored when in many regions, drought and climatic disorders are acutely felt. This year, Canada and North America experienced a much more intense cold spell than usual, with the thermometer dropping very low. Difficult climatic conditions that take, as we will see, with philosophy the populations which they however touch hard. In this 159th edition of the Mondoblog newsletter, we return to the case of Martinez Zogo, the journalist murdered in Cameroon in January. We also talk about the menstrual leave debate, how the data centersthe question of popular justice and the quest for happiness.

Good reading.


Intense cold in Canada: a challenge and a source of national pride

At the beginning of February, North America and especially Canada, experienced an episode of extreme cold, caused by icy air masses coming down from the Arctic zones. This wave was exceptional in terms of its duration and also its intensity. Amid the blizzard and snowstorms, the thermometer hovered around -40 degrees. Even though the weather conditions during this winter were harsher than in previous years, the Canadians finally got through them without a hitch. It must be said that the cold and snow are part of the daily life of the inhabitants of this country, who know what precautions to take once the cold sets in, in order to carry out their activities while minimizing the risks to their health. Precautions that also allow them to take advantage of the winter activities that flourish in the midst of these often negative temperatures. Thelyson Orelien admire the flexibility shown by the Canadians.

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The Martinez Zogo affair, worthy of a Netflix series

The investigation aimed at establishing responsibilities in the assassination of journalist Martinez Zogo is still ongoing in Cameroon. The revelations made so far show that this case has implications that go beyond the simple murder of a journalist. Because in this case there were political, business and even romantic battles. At least, this is the point of view ofEcclesiastes Deudjui.

Menstrual leave: what to think about it?

On February 16, Spain passed a law on menstrual leave. In this country, women who suffer from incapacitating (so-called painful) periods can be temporarily authorized not to work. A measure that has revived the debate on the need, real or not, for women not to be active during menstruation. A subject on which the blogger Liza Abou wonders.

Storing computer data online

THE data centers are infrastructures that include within them one or more computer data transit or storage units, called servers. Buigue Diouf makes an immersion in these centers, which are the heart of the Internet. We discover complex operating equipment that has a significant impact on the environment.


Cremation of thieves spreads

10 tips for gaining respect

Happiness, yes but how?

In Adetikopé, a disturbing phenomenon is developing. Indeed, in this locality located not far from Lomé, the populations lynch and incinerate the presumed thieves whom they apprehend. Serge Bama raises the alert.

We all deserve happiness. Appreciate the present moment, let go, make the most of every minute, celebrate all the successes… The recipe is simple, but you also have to put some willpower into it, as explained Desiree Bozou.


Do you know the Mondoblog Audio ? These sound clips that take blog posts from written to spoken? Every week, a monblogger registers on his mobile phone to read one of his posts. The audio Mondoblog is then broadcast on the RFI antenna.

In Malagasy culture, women are conditioned from childhood for a function: to ensure the well-being of their future husband and their children. Thus, they are strongly encouraged to learn to cook, wash dishes, iron and clean and to meet the slightest needs of their husbands. Girls must integrate and apply these precepts, at the risk of not finding a husband or of suffering his brutality and violence. Thus, the burden of whether the marriage works or not rests completely on the woman. Thank you, Sergia received this education. But the blogger wonders: does this injunction to girls’ submission have a counterpart for boys? Indeed, what is instilled in boys about life as a couple and the management of the home?


To succeed in your subject, it is first of all to choose the right format to treat it! When it comes time to write a brand new article for your blog, the choice is wide. You are faced with a multitude of choices of formats and subjects, and you can sometimes feel lost. To make the right decision, don’t panic, you just need to know the different formats and their characteristics. In this tutorial, we will review eight formats: the report, the interview, the investigation, the report, the editorial, the breaking latest news, the drawing, the social networks.

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This newsletter was written by Cameroonian blogger René Nkowa.

He hosts the blog From Douala With Love ».

Do not hesitate to give us your opinion on this newsletter at the address: [email protected].

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