Home » Gustavo Petro’s favorability is at 52% according to Figures and Concepts

Gustavo Petro’s favorability is at 52% according to Figures and Concepts

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Gustavo Petro’s favorability is at 52% according to Figures and Concepts

As usual, the firm Cifras y Conceptos carried out its favorability survey on the president Gustavo Petrowhere he found the positive result in terms of the number of people who see the first president of Colombians, a person who runs the country well.

Despite the fact that it continues to be positive, Petro and his cabinet must pay attention to what is done from now on with the country, since 40% of Colombians disapprove of his management, nine percent more than the last analysis that It was held in November of last year, when his government was just beginning.

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It should also be noted that his 61% favorability in November dropped considerably, where the population between the ages of 18 and 25 approved his management by 70%, while people between the ages of 26 and 35 were 57%. In addition, it became known what people think of France Marquezwho with 40% validate his management.

Another of the characters that the Colombians were asked about was the Ombudsman, Carlos Camargo, who as a public servant is unknown a little more than the rest of those who were the subject of this survey. With a favorability of 21% and an unfavorability of 39, Camargo is in negative numbers.

The attorney and the prosecutor were also in the survey

With a favorability of 21% and a disapproval of 39 percent, Francisco Barbosa It was rated by the Colombians, where the degree of ignorance of the respondents must be taken into account, since 40% of the respondents mentioned that they did not know it.

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For daisy hair the scenario has her as one of the government officials with the highest percentage of disapproval, with only 18%, where she also has 38% disapproval and a lack of knowledge of 40 percent, which raises many questions about the management she carries out, among Colombians.

Another question was raised about the health reformwhich has a great focus of attention in the urban area with 69%, but also in the rural areas of the country, which with 61% have knowledge about what the document has.

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