Home » The federal government’s traffic light coalition plans an integrity agency for sports clubs

The federal government’s traffic light coalition plans an integrity agency for sports clubs

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The federal government’s traffic light coalition plans an integrity agency for sports clubs

DThe traffic light coalition wants to create an independent integrity agency for sport. This is to identify and sanction misconduct and make amends. It’s not just about fair play in competition, but about sports clubs and associations as safe places with trusting interaction with each other. This was jointly announced on Friday by the sports policy spokespersons for the parliamentary groups of SPD, Sabine Poschmann, Greens, Tina Winklmann, and FDP, Philipp Hartewig.

“Integrity is the greatest asset of sport and must be preserved under all circumstances,” the statement said. Individuals, competitions and organizations should be protected. The various dimensions of integrity included the areas of good governance, safe sport, human rights, non-discrimination, anti-doping and combating competition manipulation. Deficits in transparency, cases of sexualized violence and their inadequate processing and other types of abuse of power made it clear that there is a need to catch up in this regard.

The fact that good governance regulations have only been implemented in part and not by all associations also shows that there are deficits. In addition, there is a lack of control. Only if the German sports associations set an example on this topic could they exert credible influence on the international level. The aim is to “anchor a binding integrity architecture throughout organized sport”.

Independent authorities under discussion

Minimum standards for combating any kind of abuse of power are to be defined and made a prerequisite for public funding in the planned Federal Sports Funding Act, which serves to anchor the revised top-level sport reform and the establishment of an independent sports agency (“Top Sport GmbH”).

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