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Should fruit be eaten away from meals? Lots of health

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Should fruit be eaten away from meals?  Lots of health

You are used to eating fruit after lunch or dinner, or do you prefer to consume it as a mid-day snack? We all know that fruit is a healthy and nutritious food, but the moment we eat it can make all the difference on our body.

Eat fruit during meals it could slow down digestion, but consuming it between meals could cause a spike in blood sugar.

What is the best choice for our health? In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and risks of both options, to help you make the right choice.

Eating fruit with meals: benefits and harms

Eat fruit after a meal causes sugars to be released into the blood much more slowly than when eaten on an empty stomach.

Rapid elevation of blood sugar levels should be avoided, because causes a spike in insulin and glucagonwhich, in turn, leads to a rapid return of the sense of hunger.

Furthermore, the vitamins in fruit, such as C, are useful for absorbing the iron ingested with meat and vegetables. Finally, being an antioxidant, fruit protects food from oxidative damage during digestion.

It is also wrong to say that fruit after eating makes you fat. Second a scientific researchIndeed, the consumption of fresh fruit is unlikely to contribute to the increase in adiposity.

So what are the risks? Second l’ISSthere is no risk, because fruit is good anytime you eat it.

Is consuming fruit away from meals good for you?

Eating a fruit as a snack between meals is an excellent solution especially for those who want to lose weight.

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It’s a healthy snack, it breaks hunger and helps to arrive not hungry at the next meal.

If eaten away from meals, fruit is digested more quickly and does not interfere with the digestion of other foods. The other benefits are as follows:

  • helps to lose weight, thanks to the water and fibers contained in it;
  • improves the immune system, thanks to vitamins and antioxidants;
  • helps prevent chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

In conclusion, integrating fruit into your diet, at any time of the day and in a balanced way, can be an excellent habit for maintaining good health and general well-being.

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