Home » Politics – Greens defend decision against National Security Council

Politics – Greens defend decision against National Security Council

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Politics – Greens defend decision against National Security Council

Lectern in the Federal Chancellerydts


Berlin (German news agency) – Greens parliamentary group leader Konstantin von Notz has defended the traffic light government’s decision not to set up a national security council. “In Germany we don’t have a presidential system where the chancellor ultimately decides alone, but coalition governments that have to agree on all fundamental issues – including and especially in foreign and security policy,” von Notz told the “Handelsblatt”.

“That’s why it’s a mistake in thinking to copy the US model of the National Security Council one-to-one, as a kind of parallel foreign ministry in the chancellery.” The FDP domestic politician Manuel Höferlin meanwhile called for the federal states to participate in the development of the security strategy. “More binding cooperation” is necessary. “Civil protection must not fail because of the federal small-small,” Höferlin told the “Handelsblatt”.

There is therefore no question that the federal and state governments “should work hand in hand here, especially when it comes to improving coordination skills and structures”.


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