Home » DSDS anniversary – Thailand recall: Dieter Bohlen sets fire

DSDS anniversary – Thailand recall: Dieter Bohlen sets fire

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DSDS anniversary – Thailand recall: Dieter Bohlen sets fire

DSDS anniversary – Thailand recall
Dieter Bohlen sets fire

By Kai Butterweck

Two unlucky visas return, “Bad Vibes” spread in the candidate villa and Dieter Bohlen pulls hard on the drama strings: In beautiful Phuket, the DSDS talents experience a wild roller coaster ride of emotions.

The candidates travel from bustling Bangkok to Phuket, the ultimate dream location in the Andaman Sea in southern Thailand. In the meantime, the two visa problem children Olga and Tatjana are also on board, which does not cause enthusiasm everywhere. With the arrival of the two “newcomers”, envy and resentment also sense their chances. Suddenly, “bad vibes” are coursing in and out of the plush beach house.

The favorites Sem and David deliver again.

(Photo: RTL / Markus Hertrich)

Another bed war among the candidates provides further explosive material. Who is allowed to sleep in the king-size bed? Who has to make do with a standard mattress? And who the hell secretly put a nasty creepy crawly in poor Kiyan’s sock? The 25-year-old Hanoverian complains of a thick ankle: “Maybe something pricked me? I don’t know, it definitely hurts a lot,” Kiyan sniffles. But a thick ankle isn’t the only problem at the villa. Buddy Peris is on the trail of an alleged saboteur. He is said to have quietly and secretly turned down the air conditioning during the night: “That’s not possible! Luckily I noticed it, otherwise we wouldn’t all have a voice now,” rumbles the passionate dancer.

“We’re not in kindergarten here!”

However, two returnees, Bettenzoff and Sabotage at the highest level are just the beginning of a round of challenges in which the candidates will be pushed to their emotional limits. Of course, the music plays a big role. Divided into new groups, the talents try to get the best out of themselves – an undertaking that does not lead to the goal in every group room. Text chaos, bickering when assigning passages and, last but not least, fundamental dislikes create a bad mood in many corners of the villa. But diva-like behavior is not really well received by the format boss.


“Deutschland sucht den Superstar” can be seen on RTL every Saturday and Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. The show is also available on RTL+.

At the latest when Dieter Bohlen grabs the constantly nagging Rose (“I find it unfair that the “newcomers” are just there again like that”) and brings her back down to earth with a serious expression (“We’re not here after all in kindergarten!”), even the last grumbler realizes that you won’t really get ahead with “Bad Vibes” in your luggage.

Once spurred on, the pop titan goes one step further after a musical table fireworks display that only doesn’t completely fizzle out thanks to the two favorites Sem and David. Three breaths after the once again emotionally very stirring performances, dear Dieter turns the tables: “Hey guys, I want to know from each individual who he would send home today.” The fire set by the chief juror quickly develops into an unmanageable conflagration.

The discussion kitchen is simmering

Caught in the pressure trap, the candidates open drawers of ideas that they would have preferred to keep closed. The mood changes. In the end, Gigi pal Peris and group chick Jaden have the glassiest eyes. The two received the most votes. Jaden in particular is having a hard time with the result of the survey: “I don’t understand it, I’m really disappointed,” sobs the blonde Bocholter. But even away from the emotional epicenter, the discussion kitchen is simmering. The main actors here are Flamingo Fatih and Curlytail Lawa.

The clinch between the two presence titans is about the really important questions in life: Who is real? who is fake Who is just a showmaker? And who is just here to generate more followers? There are no answers. Listening at the door to the kabbelzimmer, every attentive listener and observer makes up his own mind. Oh, not that it will be forgotten. Of course, the jury will still make its own decision. Peris and Jaden can breathe easy. Pietro, Dieter, Katja and Leony have chosen five other home drivers. Dilara, Isa, Olga, Sida and Fatih have to pack their bags. There were only 16 then.

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