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Why is this important for the flowers and leaves and what are the best fertilizers?

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Why is this important for the flowers and leaves and what are the best fertilizers?

For me, the hydrangeas are one of the most beautiful permanent bloomers in my garden. Its large flowers shine in a wonderful pink, blue, snow-white or lavender and automatically attract attention. But so that you can really marvel at their blooms, I have to fertilize the hydrangeas – and do it properly. I start doing this in the spring so that the plants grow quickly and have enough energy to form leaves and flower buds. In today’s article, I’m going to list several reasons why I think it’s worth fertilizing before the start of the gardening season and list several fertilizer variations that I think work well for this purpose.

Why do I always fertilize my hydrangeas in spring and should you too?

First of all – the genus includes different types of hydrangea and of course each of them has its own requirements for soil conditions. From my experience, however, they have something in common – namely that they have a higher nutrient requirement at the start of the active growth phase. To cover this, I have to fertilize the hydrangeas in March. In winter, snow and rain washed the nutrients out of the soil, so I always try to boost the growth of my plants – preferably just before they start to develop leaves. Basically, spring fertilization is recommended for every hydrangea and every garden. However, I would still recommend that you test the soil in the lab first.

Over-fertilizing or incorrectly fertilizing hydrangeas: Thatā€™s why itā€™s worthwhile for me to analyze the soil in the laboratory

Fertilize hydrangeas with instructions

So, in order to make the best fertilizer decision, I decided to test my soil in the lab. Ultimately, too much of a good thing is more dangerous for the plants than too little. I had already made the mistake of tending a ball hydrangea and over-fertilized it with nitrogen. The roots were so badly damaged that neither additional watering nor transplanting helped. So I definitely recommend the lab test.

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When is the best time to fertilize my hydrangeas?

Wood ash as a fertilizer for hydrangeas in spring

I wrote down the following fertilizing periods in my garden calendar:

  • I fertilize the garden hydrangea (also known as farmer’s hydrangea) for the first time in March, then a second time in May and a third time at the end of June.
  • If you have oakleaf hydrangeas or panicle hydrangeas in the garden, then two doses of fertilizer – the first in late March or early April and the second in June – are recommended.
  • The forest hydrangea is traditionally fertilized in early to mid-March.

I always choose a frost-free day for fertilizing. It usually rains a lot in March – which is very beneficial for fertilization. Nevertheless, I always water the plant extensively after I fertilize it. Watering allows the fertilizer not only to stay in the top layer, but to penetrate deep into the soil and the plants can absorb the nutrients through the roots.

What are the best fertilizers for hydrangeas (from my experience)

Hydrangeas fertilize with home remedies in March important

In principle, you can find suitable long-term fertilizers as well as quick last-minute solutions for every type of hydrangea in the garden center. For fertilization in March, I either use an organic fertilizer (by the way, I’ve also had good experience with some home remedies) or a liquid fertilizer that works quickly.

  • I never work long-term fertilizers such as rhododendron fertilizer directly into the root area, but then scatter them under the outer branches. I then cover it with soil so it can release the nutrients.
  • Cattle manure and horn shavings are particularly effective, with which I have had good experience in nutrient-poor soil with a high sand content.
  • The coffee grounds are a good solution for anyone who has nutrient-rich soil with a neutral or high pH. The home remedy can lower it a bit – because it is well known that hydrangeas need acidic soil.
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Fertilize hydrangeas with aquarium water Instructions

  • I have also had positive experiences with aquarium water (but you can only use fresh water). The water is rich in nitrogen and it promotes leaf growth. I water my hydrangeas with aquarium water once a month, starting in March. However, the water alone is not sufficient to supply the hydrangeas with the other nutrients. That’s why I fertilize my plants in the spring.
  • I would advise against iron fertilizer, at least in March. If I want to change the color of the buds, I apply some iron fertilizer just before flowering.
  • A few years ago I tried to intensify the color of my pink flowering hydrangeas with ash. The wood ash is said to contain potassium, magnesium and calcium carbonate, which make the flowers glow pink. I didn’t succeed and the hydrangeas suffered from nutrient deficiencies throughout the spring.
  • No matter what fertilizer I use, I always work some compost into the root area.

Hydrangeas are beautiful plants that bloom beautifully with good care. I fertilize my plants every March to prepare them for the upcoming gardening season and provide them with important nutrients.

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