Home » The miracle of Santa Elly – Il Fatto Quotidiano

The miracle of Santa Elly – Il Fatto Quotidiano

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The miracle of Santa Elly – Il Fatto Quotidiano

We here wondering if this cult of personality for Santa Elly isn’t a tad bit exaggerated, and what is she doing to you? The first miracle. It was enough for her to copy the minimum wage proposed by the 5Stelle in 2013, reproposed with two pdl by Nunzia Catalfo in ’18 and ’21 and always rejected by the crowded Pd-Lega-FdI-FI-Iv-companies-unions-newspapers, for transform it from ciofeca to cool. The best signatures in the bigoncio light up immensely: what an idea, as if we hadn’t thought of it before, we needed a woman from the Democratic Party! It had already happened with the prescription blocker, but at reverse times. Renzi announced it in 2014 and everyone got horny like hedgehogs. Then unfortunately Bonafede made it in 2018 and the newspapers that first invoked it spat it out: “Giustizialismo”, “barbarie”, “Inquisizione” (Stefano Cappellini, Republic), stuff from “orangutans”, “rulers of law”, “Hammurabi code”, “tyrant state” (Mattia Feltri, Press). It can be deduced that a good law is good under only two conditions: that it is proposed by the Democratic Party and that it is not approved.

The legal minimum wage of 9 euros has gone the other way: wonderful since the day before yesterday, when Elly asked Meloni why she hadn’t launched it in the ten years of opposition while the Democratic Party almost always governed; horrendous from 2013 to Wednesday, when only the M5S wanted it. Press: “Minimum wage, 15 billion sting. Confesercenti alarm: exorbitant costs” (4.6.’19); “Stipe: ‘This is not the time to raise wages against inflation’” (19.2.’22). Courier: “Minimum wage, Di Maio accelerates. But Istat and companies reject it. It will cost companies 4.3 billion. The OECD: too many 9 euros” (18.6.’19); “Confapi: ‘Minimum wage? Thus we open to the Far West’” (23.7.’19). “Labour policies: the illusion of the minimum wage. It is not by entrusting the State with the task of fixing wages that a society is built, nor is it guaranteed that those laws will truly be applied” (28.9.’21). Meanwhile, the EU also recommended it and Germany brought it to 12 euros. But here there was still a bit of crap for Republic, famous left-wing newspaper (already known for the campaign against the Rdc): “Minimum wage, the M5S plan to challenge the unions. The movement aims to wave the new flag of low wages ahead of the European vote. The risk of a return to wage cages” (25.3.’19); “Minimum wage: up to 6 billion costs for companies. The ‘flagship’ proposal of the M5S. Businesses, trade unions and the League against the risk of new wage cages” (25.6.’19); “Minimum wage by cutting the wedge: but it costs 6 billion” (24.7. ’19). Now they are all wet for the perfect astral conjunction: the Democratic Party proposes it and there is no danger that it will be approved.

Source: The miracle of Santa Elly – Il Fatto Quotidiano

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This article was published in Editorials, Il Fatto Quotidiano, Marco Travaglio by FrankThis is his permanent link.

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