Home » The Other Worlds: Spacer’s Choice Edition – messo alla prova

The Other Worlds: Spacer’s Choice Edition – messo alla prova

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The Other Worlds: Spacer’s Choice Edition – messo alla prova
If you are a RPG lover, surely you have played or heard of The Outer Worlds. The latest role-playing game developed by the software house that gave birth to titles of the caliber of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II, Neverwinter Nights 2 and Fallout: New Vegas is in fact one of the most successful and acclaimed exponents of the genre in recent years. years, especially as regards the freedom granted to players both in terms of moral choices and for the approach to various situations, just as highlighted in our 2019 review. From this point of view, The Other Worlds: Spacer’s Choice Edition it makes practically no changes, limiting itself to putting the entire original experience and the two expansions published after launch, namely “Peril on Gorgon” and “Murder on Eridano” in the hands of the players, at a price of € 59.99. However, those who already own the original game (provided they do not subscribe to the Xbox Game Pass) and the two additional contents can only purchase the upgrade to the new version, offered at a price of €9.99.

Both DLCs, just like originally, are designed for medium-level characters, and the related quests can only be undertaken after completing specific missions and/or unlocking certain areas. The only real novelty is represented by the raising of the level cap, which goes from level 50 present in the original version to level 99 foreseen for this new edition, so as to give players the opportunity to develop their own alter-ego in an even more detailed with more points to spend on skills and talents. However, it is important to point out one thing: The Other Worlds: Spacer’s Choice Edition it does not provide the possibility to import characters and/or saves from the original version. This means that it is not possible to take advantage of this novelty in games already in progress and that even those who have already started (and perhaps concluded) their journey in the universe of the game must start from scratch if they decide to buy the new edition.

The rest of the developers’ productive efforts have been concentrated on what, presumably, has always been the real Achilles’ heel of The Outer Worldsi.e. the technical sector. The new edition harnesses the power of the latest generation hardware to significantly reduce load times, both initial and between zones, to increase sight distance, lighting management and general level of detail, all with the possibility of experiencing the entire experience in Cinematic mode, therefore at 30fps, or in Performance mode, i.e. at 60fps, on both Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. The main difference between the two versions is, of course, the maximum resolution achievable from the game, respectively of 4K or 1080p dynamically variable according to the situation and the selected rendering mode.

Compared to the original version, the step forward from a graphic point of view is certainly remarkable. Net of the original limitations of the graphics engine, which for obvious reasons remain, The Other Worlds: Spacer’s Choice Edition offers a graphic sector in line with modern AA productions, embellished by an artistic direction of the highest level and by a color palette revised for the occasion capable of continuously giving breathtaking views. Surely more could have been done as regards the level of detail, which has undergone a very minimal increase, for the quality of the textures, which has remained practically unchanged, and for the management of the lighting, still very far from perfect, but overall we are certainly faced with a good quality upgrade. At the time of our test The Other Worlds: Spacer’s Choice Edition it was unfortunately affected by some optimization problems that caused glitches, sudden drops in framerate and resolution, but a patch has just arrived that has solved most of them, and others should arrive soon: a sign that Obsidian is also very busy in post support -throw.

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Much attention was then dedicated to the models of the characters and the related animations, which in the new edition appear significantly more detailed and refined. The power of the latest generation hardware has also been exploited to make the combat routines of enemies and allies more varied and sensible, so as to improve the gaming experience during the clashes at 360°. Pad in hand this is the step forward that struck me the most. The work done by the developers on AI and animations, combined with the possibility of experiencing the entire adventure at 60fps, makes the clashes much more fluid and engaging than the 2019 version and this inevitably translates into a more satisfying gaming experience, both for those who prefer a direct approach and for those who don’t mind a bit of healthy and satisfying stealth.

On balance The Other Worlds: Spacer’s Choice Edition is undoubtedly the best currently available version of the game published by Obsidian in 2019, but its effective ability to attract players is reduced by the choice to offer this paid upgrade (even for those who already own practically all the contents), by the ‘impossibility to import the original saves in the new version and the presence of optimization problems that affect all platforms differently. If you have never played the original adventure and you are a fan of the genre, the advice is to put the game on your wish list and take it home as soon as patches capable of solving these problems are released. If, on the other hand, you have already played it, all or in part, the choice is very personal: if you have already purchased both DLCs and you don’t mind the idea of ​​making a small investment to enjoy a new run with all the improvements, proceed calmly. If, on the other hand, you don’t have the various DLCs and/or you have a game or a save in progress that you absolutely don’t want to leave behind, the advice is to continue with the original version, which is still able to give great emotions to all lovers of the game. type.

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