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“118 deaths among immunized, 92 not vaccinated” / No vax attack but …

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Two people under the age of 50 who received two doses of the Covid vaccine died after contracting the disease Delta variant, 116 are over 50. These are some of the data that emerged from the new report published yesterday by Public Health England (PHE) relating to data from February 1st to June 21st. Numbers to which in Great Britain different interpretations are being given. For example, there are those who are worried, because the same report indicates that it is a higher number than that of the unvaccinated. The over 50 deaths who have not received any dose of Covid vaccine are, in fact, 71. They are instead 21 among the under 50s. vaccines are not only ineffective, but even counterproductive. A too superficial conclusion, which starts from data that we do not know precisely.

First of all, they are over 50, therefore a very wide range. In Italy, on the other hand, there is a tendency to distinguish between different age groups. This allows for a more focused analysis. Of those 116 over 50 deaths from the Delta Covid variant despite full vaccination, how many are 60, 70 or 80 years old? Do they have pathologies? If so, which ones? Same goes for the unvaccinated.


What is clear, however, is that this report confirms the need to carefully monitor the situation, especially the Delta variant. The number of infections da coronavirus in Great Britain linked to this variant, which is 99% dominant, rose to 54,268 in the past week, a 34% increase. The concern is understandable even if you take a look at the data relating to hospital admissions. A total of 1,904 people have been admitted to hospital in England with the Delta variant until 21 June. A total of 1,283 people were under the age of 50, while 615 were 50 or older. Of the under 50s, 987 (77%) were unvaccinated, 106 (8%) were less than 21 days after their first vaccine dose, while 118 (9%) were 21 days or more after their first vaccine dose , 48 (4%) were fully vaccinated. Of the 615 seniors, 195 (32%) were unvaccinated, 11 were less than 21 days after their first vaccine dose, and 140 were 21 days or more after their first dose. A total of 265 people (43%) were fully vaccinated.

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«The data continues to show that the sharp increase in cases we are seeing is not followed by a similar increase in hospitalizations and deaths.»Warns the doctor Jenny Harries, Chief Executive of the UK Health Security Agency. “This is because two doses of the available vaccines offer a high level of protection against the Delta variant. Getting both doses is the best way to ensure that you and your loved ones stay safe, so we urge everyone to step forward once again.“. On the other hand, he warns: “As we approach the expected end of the restrictions, we must remain cautious and alert. Cases are increasing across the country and vaccines, while offering excellent protection, do not guarantee it 100%».

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