Home » Winning architects of the Quito Biennial are linked to Indoamérica

Winning architects of the Quito Biennial are linked to Indoamérica

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Winning architects of the Quito Biennial are linked to Indoamérica


Twelve winning Architects of the Quito Biennial 2022, are linked to the teaching staff of the Universidad Indoamérica and are part of the differentiating proposal in the training project “Architecture Workshop”, which constitutes the central axis of learning in this profession. The professionals have obtained multiple recognitions in biennials, ornate prizes and both private and public competitions; In addition, they have experience in teaching at several universities in the country.

New professionals are linked to Indoamerica.

This marks a potential differentiator for the Indo-American Architecture career, since it is aligned with the vision of its authorities, which is to have teachers of excellence and expertise, which constitutes motivation for students, raises the level of training and positions the Institution as an academic reference. “We are happy to welcome a select group of architects who have this condition of being different and protagonists in the professional field; and we want your ability to be transferred to students so they can enjoy what new and meaningful learning means. This initiative will allow the creation of new paradigms in architecture, urban planning and environmental care”, expressed the Rector of the Universidad Indoamérica, Dr. Franklin Tapia. In addition, the academic authority emphasized the Institution’s commitment to developing new proposals from the pedagogical and didactic point of view, which places the University as a benchmark in the higher education system, fulfilling the mission and vision of Indo-America with social responsibility. .

For her part, Architect Patricia Jara, Academic Director of On-site and Semi-on-site Modality, commented that the Institution has been characterized by being at the forefront of education, such as this occasion where it is committed to practical learning that guarantees that students students learn from the best, which is also reflected in the other faculties. “We have future projects that are directed towards academic innovation, pedagogical improvements and education without borders,” she said.

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“I congratulate the management of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction of Indo-America for incorporating and reactivating the importance of practice under the teaching of teachers who practice their profession,” said the president of the College of Architects at the National level, Arch. María Samaniego.

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