Home » Is Apple’s new generation of Apple Watch 9 worth looking forward to?Foreign media take stock of 3 major upgrade points

Is Apple’s new generation of Apple Watch 9 worth looking forward to?Foreign media take stock of 3 major upgrade points

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Is Apple’s new generation of Apple Watch 9 worth looking forward to?Foreign media take stock of 3 major upgrade points


Apple is expected to release a new generation of iPhone 15 series in the fall, and the smart watch Apple Watch Series 9 is also expected to debut on the same stage. Since the Apple Watch Series 8 launched last year has only been slightly upgraded, it has added body temperature measurement and car accident detection functions.

In contrast, Apple Watch 9, which will succeed this year, is still quite limited in rumors. It is speculated that the upgrade rate should not be very large. The more likely change is to replace it with a new chip to improve the overall performance of the smart watch. Battery life is further enhanced.

Foreign media MacRumors said that the Apple Watch Series 9, which will usher in this year, will continue to have the same case size as the previous generation of 41mm/45mm, and the price is expected to remain similar to the previous generation.
Foreign media take stock of the three main upgrade points, summarized as follows:

1. Processor upgrade

The Apple Watch Series 9 to be launched this year will be replaced with an S9 chip. Since the previous generation of Apple Watch 8 and Apple Watch 7 used TSMC’s 7nm process dual-core processor chip, the Apple Watch 8 mainly added a new accelerator and gyroscope to the packaging chip, and there was no special change. A dramatic improvement in the brightness of the human eye.

Foreign media estimate that although the S9 chip equipped this year may not have a major upgrade, it can still be expected that there should be some performance improvement as a difference from previous generations.

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2. Battery life

The Apple Watch 8 lasts the same 18 hours as the Apple Watch 7. Foreign media speculate that with the S9 processor, it is expected that the Apple Watch Series 9 will be further improved in terms of battery life performance and power saving of the accompanying display screen.

3. New blood pressure measurement function

Last year, Apple obtained a new technology patent for the function of a non-invasive blood pressure measurement system. It mainly uses multiple channels such as the watch and the pressure sensor on the integrated strap to improve the accuracy of blood pressure measurement. If Apple applies this new function of measuring blood pressure to this year’s Apple Watch Series 9, it is expected to be a highlight of attention. However, there are still variables in obtaining patents and actual commercial applications. So we still have to wait and see for the time being.

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