Home » If you have high blood pressure in the morning, do these things and follow this diet

If you have high blood pressure in the morning, do these things and follow this diet

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If you have high blood pressure in the morning, do these things and follow this diet

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a risk factor for cardiovascular health and, as such, needs to be managed properly. In this regard, the targeted composition of daily meals represents an important aspect.

To bring the pressure down immediately, in the case of hypertension, one needs to intervene on nutrition, physical activity and some vices, such as smoking and alcohol. In this article we will see how to arrange breakfast for this risk factor, including some practical ideas.

If you have high blood pressure in the morning, do these things and follow this diet

The hypertensive diet assumes food choices that balance sodium, saturated and trans fats, as well as simple sugars and dietary cholesterol. These choices will have to further balance the caloric intake, while increasing, at the same time, the intake of potassium, magnesium, calcium, and other beneficial substances, such as “good fats” and fibers.

Suggested foods include whole grains, skimmed milk and low-fat yogurt, as well as fresh fruit, dried fruit and vegetable drinks with no added sugar. As far as animal protein sources go, egg whites are a solid choice. When choosing Greek yoghurt, it is advisable to favor a product low in fat and added sugar.

The preparation of this breakfast that we are recommending does not require particular methods, however, and for a better result in terms of taste, it is advisable to arrange the ingredients in layers, in fact remember to soak the chia seeds for at least 15 minutes, before their use.

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Then, if this increase in pressure values ​​occurs occasionally and remains, in any case, close to the maximum threshold considered “normal”, to drop the pressure instantly you need to start with relaxation. The state of agitation only increases it, therefore it is advisable to see a comfortable position, sitting or lying down, close your eyes, isolate yourself and concentrate on your breathing.

Breathing techniques are quite effective in lowering the level of cortisol, the stress hormone responsible for increasing blood pressure in agitated conditions.

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