Home » The regional office of health in the Rabat-Salé-Kenitra region denounces the irresponsible practices of the regional director of health

The regional office of health in the Rabat-Salé-Kenitra region denounces the irresponsible practices of the regional director of health

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The regional office of health in the Rabat-Salé-Kenitra region denounces the irresponsible practices of the regional director of health

2023 Mar 22 – modified on

The regional office of health in the Rabat-Salé-Kenitra region denounces the irresponsible practices of the regional director of health
Electronic flag – Rabat

The Regional Office of Health in the Rabat-Salé-Kenitra region issued a statement of denunciation, in which it confirms that it is following with great concern the irresponsible practices of the Regional Director of Health and Social Protection in her dealings with health workers with a kind of arrogance and hatred and restriction of trade union freedoms that are guaranteed by international and national charters and enshrined in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Morocco for the year 2011.

The aforementioned office said in a statement, which “Al-Alam” received a copy of, that after an extensive discussion of the nature of the practices of the regional director, who targets the Institute of Vocational Training in the health field in Rabat and the frameworks working in it as well, exploiting her administrative authority to weaken his performance, abuse him and distance him in various ways from his noble duties that he created For her sake, despite the huge sacrifices made by the director of the institute and the tremendous efforts for the advancement of the profession, the regional director of health refusal to open the new institute despite what the old building knows of the fragility of the structure and the lack of classrooms in addition to the absence of cleanliness and guarding.

The regional health office also expressed, in its statement, its dissatisfaction with the condescension of the director and her disregard for data and trade union correspondence, which has been exposing the mismanagement of the sector in the region, the most important of which is :

  1. Urgent cliff problems Sidi Kassem.
  2. Problems of Al-Qarb Hospital in Tiflet, and Moulay Abdallah Hospital in Salé .
  3. Its failure to activate and properly manage the file of appointments and transfers within the region that is known as a complete chaos. For example, more than 15 nurses and health technicians had to join the Health Delegation in Khemisset, but they are still present between Moulay Youssef Hospital and Temara Hospital..
  4. Stopping the competition for positions of responsibility at Moulay Abdallah Hospital in Salé, and the interest of the Health Institutions Network since the beginning of the year.
  5. The problem of paying guard and mandatory dues
  6. and disable it.
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In this context, the General Union of Workers recorded the inability of the Regional Director of Health to contain the simplest crises and her failure to resolve disputes is paralleled by a significant weakness in her management capabilities for the sector, which falls within the framework of systematic restrictions on trade union freedoms against what is stipulated in the Kingdom’s constitution and international and national charters ratified by the Kingdom. Moroccan in the field of rights and freedoms.

The General Union also announced its reluctance to organize regional and regional mass protests, with its commitment to calling for them in the event that the negative attitude of all responsible parties continues, calling on health workers to further mobilize and close ranks in preparation for all forms of escalation struggle.

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