Home » Kefir, the wonder food: what it is and why it’s so good for your health

Kefir, the wonder food: what it is and why it’s so good for your health

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Kefir, the wonder food: what it is and why it’s so good for your health

A food you never hear about, especially in Italy, yet it’s a natural panacea: let’s find out what kefir is and what it’s made of.

Even Italian doctors suggest that we eat a few yogurts a week. Rich in probiotics they help the natural activity of the intestinal tract, also improving the resistance to diseases. Digestion is an important part of the food intake process, and if the intestine doesn’t work well it sends the rest of the body into a tailspin. Most health problems start right from the intestinal flora, when there is a decompensation, it is the whole body that suffers.

Kefir, what is it -grantennistoscana.it

Although yogurt is a cure-all from this point of view, another food, kefir, has failed to achieve such success in Italy. Offered for example by Activia in a drink format, it is present in very few supermarkets, precisely because it is not sold enough. Most Italians are not aware of the content of this food, yet very important for the diet. So let’s see in detail what it is composed of.

What is kefir made from and why is it such an important food

Kefir is a more fizzy product than yogurt, with this intense flavor, however, it has the same texture as its brother. It has been around for thousands of years, yet it has never made inroads in Italy, probably due to its taste that our palates don’t like. It is made with cow’s or goat’s milk and kefir grains, ie lumps of bacteria and yeasts that increase our immune defences.

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An example of Kefir Activia – grantennistoscana.it

The milk is poured together with the kefir grains, the latter are able to ferment the sugar that is naturally present in the milk, lactose in fact. After about 24 hours you will have the milk-based drink. With the fact that the lactose present in kefir is really in small concentrations, it is also possible to drink it for those who cannot digest dairy products well. Obviously we are only talking about cases of mild intolerances and not real allergies. But what are its benefits?

What are the benefits of kefir

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