Home » There are thousands of cultures in every square inch. This community exhibition uses stamps to tell the story of the Asian Games-Hangzhou News Center-Hangzhou Net

There are thousands of cultures in every square inch. This community exhibition uses stamps to tell the story of the Asian Games-Hangzhou News Center-Hangzhou Net

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There are thousands of cultures in every square inch. This community exhibition uses stamps to tell the story of the Asian Games

Hangzhou Net Release time: 2023-03-25 06:54

Daily Business Daily News Recently, Beishan Street Friendship Community held a unique stamp exhibition. The theme of this event is “Sharing the Asian Games in a Square Inch of Sports Events”, which has attracted waves of residents from the street to visit.

“This set is the commemorative stamps of the Beijing Olympic Games, and next to them are the stamps of the previous Asian Games. Some stamps are even older than me. Some are sent by friends, and some are exchanged or bought. It is really not easy to collect them. “Zhang Xiongyi, president of the Philatelic Association of Zhejiang Veteran Cadre Activity Center, mentioned the stamps he collected and talked eloquently, “I hope that through the form of stamp collecting, residents can learn about the hardships and difficulties of athletes from a different perspective, and then promote the spirit of hard work and hard work. .”

It is understood that this exhibition includes commemorative stamps, stamp sets, postage cards, postcards and other types. There are a total of 25 stickers on display. Each sticker is composed of postage envelopes, stamps, and actual mailing envelopes. The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games” and “Countdown to the Asian Games” have a total of more than 300 pieces in three series. In addition, these silver-haired philatelic volunteers came to the community site and explained a lot of interesting knowledge and stories about stamps to the visiting residents, such as the design and issuance background of stamps in various countries, so that everyone can go deeper into the background behind them by exhibiting stamps. history and culture.

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In the age of digitization, the function of stamps may be diminished day by day. By holding stamp exhibitions, not only people can re-appreciate the charm of stamps, but also stimulate the public’s love and inheritance of traditional culture. According to the person in charge of the community, the exhibition was warmly welcomed by the residents, which not only enriched their cultural life, but also promoted cultural exchanges in the community. In the future, the community will also hold more types of cultural activities, so that residents can feel the warmth and vitality of the community.

Source: Daily Business Daily Author: Reporter Wang Ran, Correspondent Ren Ting Editor: Chen Dong

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