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Longevity possible thanks to carnosine? – FOCUS online

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Longevity possible thanks to carnosine?  – FOCUS online

Carnosine is said to have a variety of positive effects and longevity effects. We explain what the substance is all about and what it can do for your health.

A substance that is increasingly coming into focus in connection with the topic of longevity is carnosine. Scientific studies show that carnosine could significantly slow down cell aging in our body.

What exactly is carnosine?

Carnosine (not to be confused with L-carnitine!) is a chemical that occurs naturally in the human body. The substance is synthesized by the body itself – from the body’s own amino acids histadine and beta-alanine. However, carnosine can also be obtained artificially and used as a dietary supplements be taken.

We find a particularly high concentration of the substance in fabrics that are durable and subject to a lot of wear and tear. This is particularly the case in muscles and nerve cells, especially in heart muscle, kidneys, liver; in smaller doses also in the brain.

Although we can supply the substance with animal food, especially with the help of turkey and chicken meat. Nevertheless, the carnosine concentration in the body decreases with age. So can a supply of carnosine stop or slow down the aging process?

How does carnosine work? Can it promote healthy aging?

When energy is generated in the body, “garbage” is produced, the so-called

free radicals, also called oxidative stress. These destroy the body cells and make you age. They promote the formation of infections and diseases such as heart disease, stroke, arteriosclerosis and cancer.

To counteract these processes, the body uses

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antioxidants. These prevent the free radicals from attaching themselves to the cells and thus inhibit signs of aging and tumor growth, slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s and protect against environmental pollution. Because UV radiation and toxins also cause oxidation.

Carnosine has proven to be very
effective antioxidant
exposed. Carnosine can neutralize acids and protect against harmful metal ions in the body. In addition, it promotes the regeneration of the “power plants” in the cells, called mitochondria, which provide energy. It also prevents the harmful saccharification and clumping of proteins, which play an important role in the aging process and the development of diseases.

Rejuvenation and other health benefits – current studies

actually found a rejuvenating effect of high carnosine concentrations on harvested human connective tissue cells. However, other fascinating findings were also published.

  • One
    overview study
    identifies carnosine as a promising helper in neurological diseases arising from oxidative stress; such as Parkinson’s, Huntington’s disease or Alzheimer’s. In fact, researchers found a reduced one in Alzheimer’s patients
    mirror of the substance
    in the brain compared to non-diseased peers. Parts of the brain that were affected particularly early showed particularly large deficits in the supply of carnosine. The accumulation of plaque in the arteries could be reduced by carnosine.
  • Also at


    A reduced carnosine value was found in patients. The administration of the substance should lower the blood sugar level and have a protective effect on the kidneys. These are stressed by excessively high glucose levels in the blood. In advanced stages, diabetes can lead to blindness. Carnosine counteracts tiny damage to blood vessels, including in the eyes.
  • In addition to strengthening the blood vessels, carnosine administration also prevented blood deficiency in the heart, which
    heart attacks
    can be prevented.
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Conclusion: Carnosine is a substance that is important for various bodily functions and causes deficiency symptoms if the concentration is too low. Although a high dose of carnosine can show amazing effects on isolated functions, especially the rejuvenating effect on cells, the substance must not be administered in excessive amounts, as side effects can occur. It is also important to remember that the effect of a substance on the cells that have been removed does not necessarily allow a statement to be made about the effect on an entire organism.

Live healthier for longer: Click here for the big longevity special

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