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A man sexually harassed his child | Info

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A man sexually harassed his child |  Info

A man (33) from Sremska Mitrovica was sentenced to two years and five months in prison for committing the crime of illicit sexual activity against his child.

Izvor: shutterstock/tawanroong/mondo

In the High Court in Sremska Mitrovica, a man (33) from Sremska Mitrovica was sentenced to two years two years and five months in prisonand because of of the criminal offense of illicit sexual activity against his child. The court panel also imposed special measures on him, which will be implemented after the prison sentence has been served, and will last for a maximum of 20 years.

In 2021, the Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office filed an indictment against the man for the criminal offense of child molestation. “During this process, it was determined that he was his then five-year-old son, kissed on the mouth, put his fingers in his mouth and touched the boy’s anus with his penis“, the court verdict states. In addition to the prison sentence, the man was also given special measures, one of which is ban on visiting places where minors gather, such as schools, kindergartens, mandatory reporting to the competent authority of the police and the Administration for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions

After the expiration of these measures, the court will, every four years from the beginning of their application. ex officio to decide on the need for their further implementation. The event that shocked the public “surfaced” in October 2020, when, not even suspecting what he would hear in the doctor’s office, the great-grandfather (73) brought his then five-year-old grandson because of health problems. In the conversation with the doctor, the little boy, complaining of pain, among other things, said yes he sleeps with his father, who often touches his private parts.

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The pediatrician examined the boy and saw that he had two fissures on the anal opening, which was his signal to inform the police, who informed the Center for Social Work, and they immediately took certain measures. Medical findings have established that the cracks on your anus were not caused by sexual intercourse. In his statement to the police, the child’s father denied the accusations against him, and claimed that he was a caring father and would never hurt his child. The man’s trial first started last year, but the court process was brought back to the beginning. As they said at the time in the High Court, countries that are signatories to the European Convention on Human Rights, which includes Serbia, according to Article 6, the judge cannot extend the detention of the defendant whose case he is leading, which was the case here.


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