Home » Nursind (nurses), ad hoc law urgently needed for the category – Medicine

Nursind (nurses), ad hoc law urgently needed for the category – Medicine

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Nursind (nurses), ad hoc law urgently needed for the category – Medicine

(ANSA) – ROME, MARCH 29 – “The direction is undoubtedly the right one, but we are confident that stable and long-term solutions for the nursing staff will find space in the health package that Minister Schillaci is working on”. The Nursind secretary, Andrea Bottega, thus comments on the health measures contained in the Bollette decree, fired yesterday by the CDM, adding how, “on the free profession, for example, we are still tentatively opening up and far from obtaining the same rights as enjoyed by doctors. Proof of this is the fact that the provision does not intervene on the authorizations of the employer healthcare companies which, therefore, remain essential. This is why – the secretary insists – we ask for an ‘ad hoc’ regulation: we need a law complete and dedicated to the question of the bond of exclusivity, capable of finally recognizing full autonomy to the nursing staff, also in terms of tariffs under the intramoenia regime”.

The Nursind, the note goes on, applauds the interventions to counter attacks against health workers, but at the same time insists on the need to “remove the causes that trigger episodes of violence upstream. It is not enough to increase penalties, the priority is to guarantee efficient services and to do so it is necessary to invest in personnel”.

“Finally, nothing to complain about – concludes Bottega – on emergency-urgency measures. But as far as the category is concerned, it is important to clarify whether the increases in first aid allowances will already be due from the month of June or will require an additional step through bargaining”, it reads finally. (HANDLE).

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