Home » Beijing International Film Festival returns to spring after 3 years-Jingchu.com-Hubei Daily

Beijing International Film Festival returns to spring after 3 years-Jingchu.com-Hubei Daily

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Beijing International Film Festival returns to spring after 3 years-Jingchu.com-Hubei Daily

Beijing International Film Festival returns to spring after 3 years

The film festival will be held from April 22nd to April 29th and will organize nine main sections and corresponding activities

News from our newspaper (Reporter Xiao Yang) The reporter learned from the Organizing Committee of the Beijing International Film Festival on the 29th that the 13th Beijing International Film Festival will be held in Beijing from April 22 to April 29. This year’s film festival will organize the “Temple of Heaven Award” awards, opening ceremony, Beijing screening, Beijing planning and theme forum, Beijing market, film carnival, college student film festival, closing ceremony and awards ceremony, “film +” nine main sections and corresponding Activity. This is after 2019. After 3 years, the Beijing International Film Festival will return to April. In the previous three years, due to the impact of the new crown epidemic, the Beijing International Film Festival will not be held at a fixed time: August in 2020, August in 2021 In September, 2022 in August.

The Organizing Committee of the Beijing International Film Festival stated: We sincerely welcome filmmakers, film industry organizations, film crews and media reporters at home and abroad to come to Beijing and meet with the film this spring. According to reports, the theme of this year’s Beijing International Film Festival will be “Sharing Light and Shadow, Mutual Learning of Civilizations”, continue to adhere to the original mission of “Sharing Resources, Winning the Future”, and adhere to the core value concept of “Harmony between Man and Nature, Beauty and Beauty”. , with the platform of the Beijing Film Festival as a link, it gathers global film boutiques, gathers Chinese and foreign industrial resources, promotes exchanges and mutual learning among countries, and promotes the coordinated development of world films.

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At the same time, the Beijing International Film Festival announced the deadline for the registration of various activities of the film festival. Among them, the deadline for the Beijing market is March 31, and the deadline for media registration is 18:00 on April 10.


Beijing builds a closed loop of policies to support cultural enterprises

Another report (reporter Yang Wenjie) “Service Package” supports leading enterprises, “Investment and Loan Award” supports growing enterprises, and “Zenzutong” supports small and micro start-ups… Beijing is forming a full-chain policy closed loop to continuously optimize the business for the development of cultural enterprises business environment.

On March 28, the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee held a cultural enterprise policy seminar in Huairou Film and Television Demonstration Zone. At the meeting, focusing on key areas of the cultural industry such as content creation and production, culture + integration, the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Radio and Television Bureau, the Municipal Economic and Information Bureau, and the Municipal Cultural Assets Center respectively focused on fine art creation, ultra-high-definition video, specialization and special innovation, and investment Supporting policies for cultural enterprises such as Loan Awards and Housing Rent Link are announced and explained. Huairou District introduces regional development priorities and cultural enterprise support policies to provide a strong boost for cultural enterprises to achieve a “good start” and promote the high-quality development of the cultural industry. Person in charge of more than 30 enterprises including Perfect World, Enlight Media, Wanda Film and Television, Golden Years, and Capital Langyuan participated.

According to Zou Luwei, head of the Cultural Industry Development Guidance Office of the Publicity Department of the Municipal Party Committee, at present, the cultural industry in Beijing is digging deep into the advantages of cultural, technological and other resources, focusing on key areas, key parks, key enterprises and major projects, strengthening corporate services, and forming a “service package” Supporting leading enterprises, “Investment and Loan Awards” supporting growing enterprises, and “Fangzutong” supporting small and micro start-ups, the closed-loop policy of the whole chain has continuously optimized the business environment for the development of cultural enterprises.

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The relevant person in charge of the Beijing Propaganda Culture Guidance Fund explained the 2023 film project application policy in detail. Among them, the key topic selection directions are realistic themes, major revolutionary historical themes, promotion of Chinese excellent traditional culture themes, Beijing themes, cultural and technological integration projects, etc. The Beijing Radio and Television Network Audio-Visual Development Fund initiated by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Radio and Television will also continue to support the city’s excellent radio and television works and network audio-visual works in the stage of script creation, filming and promotion in 2023, and will continue to support outstanding projects that have been broadcast. Corresponding rewards. The Municipal Economic and Information Bureau and the Municipal Cultural Resources Center will also support cultural enterprises through special policies such as “specialization, special innovation”, “investment loan award” and “rent through”.

Huairou District will focus on the functional positioning of Huairou’s regional development, promote the coordinated development of Huairou Science City to lead the international conference capital, and the integration and development of China’s film and television metropolis, and promote the deep integration of technology and film and television culture. (China) Huairou Film and Television Industry Demonstration Zone will be guided by the new needs of the film and television industry, strengthen the construction of key projects such as the China Film Base, the new Huairou campus of the Film Academy, and the producer headquarters base to provide professional services for more film and television production institutions; through Improve the base operation model, innovate consumer demand, attract public participation, and build Huairou cultural tourism experience center and consumption center; take advantage of the Beijing International Film Festival held in Huairou to promote the construction of supporting functional facilities in the China Film Base, promote the cultural industry in Huairou, and attract more film and television Enterprises settled in “Movie Capital”.

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In recent years, Beijing has adhered to the general idea of ​​”technology empowers culture, and culture empowers the city”, strengthens top-level design, actively builds a 1+N+X cultural industry policy system, focuses on high-quality production, and promotes the high-quality development of cultural industrial parks. Remarkable results have been achieved by strengthening the integrated development of culture and technology. In 2021, Beijing will realize an added value of 450.92 billion yuan in the cultural industry, an increase of 19.6% over the previous year, accounting for 11% of GDP, and continuing to rank first in the country. In 2022, cultural enterprises above designated size in Beijing will realize a revenue of 1,755.53 billion yuan, maintaining positive growth despite the severe impact of the epidemic, demonstrating the strong resilience and good momentum of the development of the cultural industry. (Beijing Youth Daily)

[Responsible editor: Li Chen]

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