Home » In Emilia-Romagna the “Regional council of health and social health professions” was born – Health

In Emilia-Romagna the “Regional council of health and social health professions” was born – Health

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In Emilia-Romagna the “Regional council of health and social health professions” was born – Health

Donini and Taruffi: “The enhancement of professionals and constant collaboration with institutions is fundamental”

The goal is to further raise the quality of services offered to citizens and to standardize it throughout the region. He will remain in office for three years and will operate free of charge

March 30, 2023 – Putting together representatives of all the professionals of the regional social and health systemto strengthen it multidisciplinary collaboration and promote a constant one confrontation with the institutions. Always looking at the same goal: guarantee the citizens of Emilia-Romagna quality and uniform services throughout the region.

With this in mind, the “Regional council of health and social health professions”, established by Regional Council which formalized its birth with a resolution approved in recent days.

And participation body with an advisory function on health and social-health integration, which includes – in addition to the councilors for health and welfare policies and the general manager of the Personal Care, Health and Welfare Directorate – 11 representatives of the respective professional orders, federations and coordinations of professional orders at regional level; the composition may eventually be supplemented following new requests. He will remain in office for three years – at the end of which the new members will be appointed – and will operate free of charge, without any compensation for the participants and therefore without any charge for the health service and the regional budget. A ‘place’ for meeting and working in which other subjects may be invited to participate and intervene, in relation to the specificity of the topics dealt with.

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“To consolidate and strengthen the national health and social service and further improve the quality of assistance to citizens, it is essential to make the most of the skills of all the professionals involved – say the councilor for health policies, Raffaele Doniniand to the Welfare, Igor Taruffi-. And just as important, as the pandemic has also demonstrated, must be constant dialogue and close collaboration between the institutions and professional representatives of all operators in the regional social-health system. The establishment of the Regional Consultation looks to this dual objective, which we arrived at thanks to listening to the territories and the fruitful comparison with all the categories involved, whom we thank “.

Among the mandate lines of the Consulta, to operate with a view to the integration and interdependence of the various profiles and professional skills that contribute to the organization of welfare services, to be guaranteed to citizens in a uniform and homogeneous manner on the regional territory; collaborate with institutions and propose studies and research on the activity of the various professional categories.

Members of the consultation

In addition to the councilors for health and welfare policies, the director general of the Personal Care, Health and Welfare Department and a representative for each of the following subjects are members of it: Unitary Committee of Professional Orders of the Emilia-Romagna Region (CUP ER ); Order of Social Workers of Emilia-Romagna; Order of Biologists of Emilia-Romagna and Marche; Interprovincial Order of Chemists and Physicists of Emilia-Romagna; Council of the Orders of Pharmacists of the Emilia-Romagna Region; Order of Nursing Professions of Emilia-Romagna; Regional Federation of Orders of Surgeons and Dentists of Emilia-Romagna; Regional Coordination of the Orders of the Midwifery Profession of Emilia-Romagna; Order of Psychologists of Emilia-Romagna; Regional Coordination of the Orders of Medical Radiology Health Technicians (TSRM) and of the Technical, Rehabilitation and Prevention Health Professions (PSTRP) of Emilia-Romagna; Emilia-Romagna Regional Federation of Veterinary Orders.

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