Home » Harvard, a city not only for students. As a hockey player, the dreams of the NHL are fading away

Harvard, a city not only for students. As a hockey player, the dreams of the NHL are fading away

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Harvard, a city not only for students.  As a hockey player, the dreams of the NHL are fading away

In the current year, Harvard’s jersey was worn by fifteen players who were drafted to the NHL. no other university team from the American NCAA league has them in their squad.

On the roster, we would find, for example, 2021 draft pick Matt Coronata or World Championship and Olympic Games player Sean Farrell. Both signed new contracts with NHL teams (Calgary, Montreal) on the weekend after Harvard was eliminated from the traditional NCAA tournament.

Their hockey skills cannot be questioned. What I still can’t fit in are the study results. Without them, they would never have gotten to Harvard, according to the Times Higher Education website, Harvard is even the second most prestigious university in the world.

Charles University, for example, which has 65,000 students applying in 2021, is about 1,000 more than Harvard. While the Czech university took 26 thousand of them, Harvard only took less than two thousand, i.e. 3.2 percent of the students.

Petr Plaek, who studied at the famous university and played hockey for two years, is remembered for iDNES.cz.

In honor of the Czech Prince @pplaceks birthday. Had to bring this beauty out of the archives. 1980 Olympic team or 2011 Harvard Hockey freshman? #tbt @pplacek @mjeverson4 @patricksnake8

December 28, 2017 at 6:34 p.m., pspvek archived: March 28, 2023 at 10:40 a.m.

Pick the smartest students, because of it you also pick the best professionals. Number two, you can’t get into Harvard, that’s why you didn’t even apply, he said.

Plaek immigrated to the United States at the age of thirteen. In Esk, because of the commute from Rakovnka to Kladno, he could not devote himself fully to both cycling and hockey. That’s why he chose the path of the American medium wheel, which offered both.

And in his second year abroad, he learned how to recruit a student hockey player.

Various universities started calling me, one of them was Harvard. I didn’t even think about going anywhere else, Harvard bakes just great. That’s why I answered that if I get to him, I’ll go, first.

Just like other students, the test taker and hockey player must pass. Don’t have lions, go through the same woman as anyone else.

a person must write excellent SAT tests, something like ours from the company Scio. Also look at the marks, if you were not number one on average, you have no chance. kola finds out information about a given hockey player from coaches, teachers, players, and must write various essays. Harvard doesn’t get all the play it wants because few people are that far away, he noted.

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Hurry up scouts

Harvard doesn’t just want a great student or a hockey player. I recruited the fifth batch of personalities who will represent the circle not only during the study period, but also two years after the end of the course.

That is why the process of mapping a hockey player takes a long time, several years before entering the first team. In the first year of the middle round, the university addresses the game and discovers its meaning even outside the hockey environment.

Assistant coaches for Harvard scout. He tries to reach the best games around the world, first and foremost in North America. They invite them to inspect the bikes, discover their benefits. In the middle of the game, wait, and twenty people will call you, and then they will choose the round that they like best, writes Plaek.

Let’s look for a smart game regardless of their physical parameters, Harvard assistant coach James Marcou told The Athletic sports website. Whatever skill we have, we try to apply it in some way at Harvard. Of course, the bike’s requirements often make it difficult. We try to find those children who are as involved in studies as they are in hockey.

Trainer James Marcou gives instructions to his Saints in Harvard jerseys.

Students complete their first year at Harvard in a general distance learning program, then have the option of choosing a specialization. He studied economics, which is chosen by many hockey players because it is closest to business. But we also had a boy who studied psychology or civil engineering, says Plaek.

In addition to long distances, hockey players can walk to the university and on foot before walking to senior hockey. They play with the Canadian junior in their twenties, often in the high round and in their twenties. In addition, if the student chooses Harvard, he takes studies abroad.

Go to Harvard to study it. That’s the most important thing, says Marcou.

Don’t go there to play that hasn’t been led away from childhood. the wheels are for n dleit, and even though they are asn talents, they are from families where the road is placed on the vuko. The parents sacrificed a lot for their son to get to Harvard, so it would be punishable if he didn’t finish it, agrees Plaek.

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Many hockey players from universities leave for the NHL before completing their studies. Trevor Zegras left Boston University after one year, Cole Caufield from Wisconsin after two years, or Spencer Knight from Boston College.

Harvard has a different culture. You have to stay in the game voluntarily for the whole three years, or if only two go to the NHL, get the title back.

Like, for example, Adam Fox or Ryan Donato, who spent those years at Harvard, after the season in the NHL they completed the round in the summer months thanks to a special course.

Obrnce Rangers Adam Fox bhem zpasu s Minnesotou

While Fox, Kerfoot or even Plako’s former teammates Alex Killorn, Jimmy Vesey and Colin Blackwell had a successful career, the former tank had another run. After two seasons, he had to say goodbye to the hockey team, his health did not allow him to continue.

The sun was shining brightly. Before entering Harvard, he was drafted by Philadelphia in the sixth round, and after him, for example, Tampa pointed to Ondej Palta.

Both in the first and in the second year on the high bike, however, due to health ailments, he was not able to show what was in him.

At the university, I had knee surgery, I had a sprained ankle, I caught my leg, which I fight with. I rode very hard in the race, I was aiming for a good season, but right at the beginning of the race, my back broke. That’s when I realized that hockey wouldn’t last long, I remember.

He could continue to university, he was not accepted on a scholarship. Harvard doesn’t even offer him an alternative to the financial aid he received from Plaek.

Financial aid with completed tables. the wheels of my bike will go to my family’s warehouse. In theory, if the families didn’t spend anything, they would pay everything. Harvard does not want studies to be a big pt for the family. When you think that a student will be sent to study at Harvard and you don’t have the money to pay for it, it’s crazy.

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For an Eskho oban, and for anyone else, studying at Harvard is a huge investment. Ron has to pay 55,000 dollars, that is, for those years, a total of less than five million crowns.

In the main role stamps

So Plaek began to concentrate fully on the wheel, to get a good job in the future. Hockey gets you into the wheel, thanks to which you can earn a pension after your career. And he didn’t see her for a reason, because I should go play hockey for a year, he writes.

In America, grades are low because they get you into the best universities, and companies look at grades again. You banks, recruit students from the two best bikes, where to go, choose the one with the best average marks. Students want the best job, so they also want the best grades, he adds.

A hockey player must look for stamps not only for insight into the future. They can thus have an influence on the performance of rescues.

If a game needs help with learning, it goes to people where students normally go. The coach is interested in the academic results of the game only in the event that he does not have a sufficient average to be able to play, which he later explained: If the player has an average score of 2 and a half, they cannot play.

I had a teammate a year younger who had to leave the bike, he simply couldn’t handle it. He never resigned, but it wasn’t always easy, remember.

According to Plak, the student-hockey player spends about three hours a day at the stadium. The same as in the bike, then in the room you can continue cycling and relax. Professors demand a lot from students, then you don’t have much free time.

That’s why Plaek decided to found a software company after his studies, which offers a system for students, thanks to which they are able to organize their life by bicycle in such a way that they also find time for leisure.

You can find a lot of them in hockey, as he once did or in the present Fox, Killorn et al.

Harvard also kicked them to the edge of their careers.

Thanks to me, they were able to combine the dream of the NHL with distance.

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