Home » Trump in court: he will be indicted on 34 serious counts. The judge bans cameras in the courtroom

Trump in court: he will be indicted on 34 serious counts. The judge bans cameras in the courtroom

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Trump in court: he will be indicted on 34 serious counts.  The judge bans cameras in the courtroom

FROM THE WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT. Donald Trump will be indicted on 34 felony counts of accounting forgery. Sources close to the dossier told Yahoo News. Instead, as previously thought, there will be no indictments of misdemeanors or minor crimes. According to sources, Trump (mug shot), which is the standard procedure for all indicted. It would have been decided by the prosecutor Alvin Bragg himself after a consultation with the Secret Service and the authorities of the Manhattan Court. Together they would have agreed on the uselessness of following the practice, since Trump does not pose a danger to the policemen and judges (this is the reason why handcuffs are used).

Cameras will not be allowed in the classroom. Judge Juan Merchan rejected the request of several television stations. Instead, he admitted five photographers will be able to take pictures in the courtroom before the hearing begins.

The most sensitive news, however, concerns the charges: the falsification of accounting records (business records, or how individual outgoings and expenses and income are catalogued) in New York State is considered a minor crime. However, Bragg elevated him to a felony, albeit in class E, the lowest in the penal code. It means, in the prosecution, that Trump wanted to hide another crime by paying Stormy Daniels.

For this crime, the accused risks up to 4 years in prison, a hypothesis considered very unlikely in Trump’s case since “no one goes to prison if this is the first crime they commit,” a court source explained to Yahoo News. Why Bragg invoked the felony will only be clear this afternoon when Donald Trump appears before the judge and pleads not guilty. Trump’s lawyers have not yet seen the entire prosecution system. Last night’s news leak however unleashed the tycoon who in a post on his social network Truth said that «Bragg illegally released several points and complete information on the pathetic indictment against me«. At this point, Trump wrote, Bragg should now incriminate himself.

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Trump arrived in New York yesterday afternoon. Today he will be in court and then he will leave for Florida where in the evening he will give a speech in his club in Mar-a-Lago.

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