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Let’s change this bad habit if we don’t want to risk an annoying stomach problem

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Stress, poor diet, smoking and hectic rhythms often lead to problems related to the stomach and digestion. More or less serious symptoms that negatively affect our days.

Stomach pain, heartburn, acidity, indigestion, gastric reflux. Disorders that affect millions of people and which, if not treated properly, can lead to negative health repercussions.

A very common ailment

Gastroesophageal reflux, in particular, is a common disorder, which manifests itself with the ascent of part of the gastric contents towards the esophagus. An acid regurgitation, which causes a burning sensation in the throat and which is often accompanied by pain in the upper part of the abdomen, and in some cases, by a dry and uncomfortable cough.

If not treated properly, the continued rise of acids can lead to inflammation of the esophagus.

Let’s change this bad habit if we don’t want to risk an annoying stomach problem

When the disturbance is minor, we can mitigate the problem by trying to change our daily habits.

Physical activity is very important, especially for overweight people, who suffer from reflux very frequently. But in general, those with this disorder can benefit from exercise. Beware, however, of jumps and some movements that can cause the acid to rise.

Nutrition is very important to mitigate this problem. In fact, according to a study, there are foods that promote gastric secretion and that should be eliminated or reduced.

Let’s talk about coffee, chocolate, spicy foods, fatty foods and alcohol.

After physical activity and nutrition, let’s change this bad habit if we don’t want to risk an annoying stomach problem.

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In fact, many of us after having finished dinner immediately run to lie down.

But if we don’t want reflux symptoms to get worse at night, wait at least 3 to 4 hours before going to sleep or getting into a lying position. Not only that, once in bed we keep the head raised, using two pillows to avoid the rise of gastric acids.


Just chew on this tasty and tasty stick to say goodbye to bad digestion

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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