Home » The logistics industry prosperity index in March was 55.5% – Industrial Economy – Market Information Network

The logistics industry prosperity index in March was 55.5% – Industrial Economy – Market Information Network

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The logistics industry prosperity index in March was 55.5%

Rebound for two consecutive months

Market Information Network 2023-04-05 19:33:20 Source: People’s Daily Online Comments:

Newspaper, Beijing, April 3rd (Reporter Du Haitao) The China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing released that the prosperity index of China’s logistics industry in March was 55.5%, an increase of 5.4 percentage points month-on-month, rising for two consecutive months, with a cumulative increase of more than 10 percentage points. On the whole, the average level of the prosperity index of the logistics industry in the first quarter has rebounded significantly compared with the same period last year and the fourth quarter, reflecting the accelerated recovery of logistics supply and demand in the first quarter, and the foundation for good operation has been effectively consolidated.

The business volume index rebounded. In March, the total business index was 55.5%, a rise of 5.4 percentage points month-on-month, showing that the business scale of the logistics industry is in the expansion range and continues to maintain a rapid growth rate.

The new orders index picked up. In March, the new order index rebounded by 4.4 percentage points month-on-month, showing that the demand for logistics continued to improve, the demand for commodity circulation increased, and the number of orders increased significantly, providing a basic guarantee for the recovery of the industry in the later stage of the boom.

Looking at the trend in the later period, the business activity expectation index in March was 58.1%, rising for four consecutive months, showing that as the economy continues to recover, companies have strong confidence in the continued rapid growth of the logistics industry.

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“People’s Daily” (version 10, April 4, 2023)

Responsible editor: Gao Xuejing

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