Home » A gym named after little Alessio, also Ciro Immobile in Sezze for the ceremony

A gym named after little Alessio, also Ciro Immobile in Sezze for the ceremony

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It was named after Alessio, the 6-year-old boy who, after battling a serious illness, left us in March 2021, the gym of the Istituto Comprensivo Valerio Flacco in Sezze Scalo. The moving ceremony took place last April 3 in the presence of the mayor Lidano Lucidi as well as the child’s family, schoolmates, school staff and members of the school council.

A beautiful moment to remember the child who died prematurely after fighting against a terrible disease, leaving an unfillable void within his family and among all the people who loved him but who, even though he was so small, gave everyone a great life lesson. For Alessio, a few months before his death, there had been a great mobilization when his father’s cousin had organized a fundraiser to fly a plane over his home with an inscription dedicated to him.

And now this initiative to pay tribute to him. Not even Ciro Immobile wanted to miss the ceremony at the ceremony, who had surprised Alessio by going to visit him at home and to whom he had wanted to dedicate a sweet message on the day of his death: “You fought like a lion. Hello champion. I’ll miss you” wrote the striker and captain of Lazio. And so the attacker returned to Sezze to pay homage to Alessio who was a great fan of Ciro Immobile.

The child’s aunt, on the other hand, donated a mural that represents Alessio’s world, passions and will to live, which everyone will be able to admire by going to the gym that bears his name.

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