Home » Mysterious “big face” emerged over Tokyo, Japan: 6 stories high aroused passers-by’s exclamation-News Center-南海网

Mysterious “big face” emerged over Tokyo, Japan: 6 stories high aroused passers-by’s exclamation-News Center-南海网

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Overseas Network, July 16th. According to the Japanese “Sankei Shimbun”, a huge “face” appeared over Tokyo, Japan, where the Olympic sports arena is crowded early on the 16th, causing passers-by to exclaim “Who is this?” and “Why did it appear.” “. It is reported that this mysterious and daydreaming scene is a project of a modern art group in Japan.

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The modern art team composed of artist Akira Arakawa, producer Hirofumi Masui and others initially collected “faces” from all over the world, and finally chose a real human face. At 6 o’clock in the morning on the 16th, about 20 meters, a huge human face equivalent to a 6-story building floated into the air on time.

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The original conception of this modern art originated from a dream made by Arakawa when he was 14 years old, “The face of a man like a mother-in-law of the moon floats in the sky”. Aragami couldn’t recall what her face was in her dream, but the idea in her dream was “rather than fantasy, set up an artificial scene so that the whole street can see it”. So she set out to collect a real face from more than a thousand contributors in the world, and it took 3 years of preparation time to make this unique art installation.

Now that the epidemic in Tokyo is spreading, in order to avoid crowded people, the date and place of the big face will not be announced in advance, but it is planned to be implemented several times in central Tokyo this summer. (Overseas Net Wang Shanning)

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Original title: Mysterious “big face” emerged over Tokyo, Japan: 6 stories high, causing passers-by to exclaim

Editor in charge: Yang Ziwei

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