Home » Living in nature makes you feel good: the solution to a serious illness

Living in nature makes you feel good: the solution to a serious illness

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Living in nature makes you feel good: the solution to a serious illness

Contact with nature makes you feel good. As demonstrated by a US research, spending time surrounded by greenery can have the same effects as a medicine, so much so as to help keep a serious disease under control.

Even if we often tend to underestimate its importance, nature is able to contribute to our well-being. Being in contact with greenery is good for anyone, both physically and psychologically. Whether it’s taking a walk in the garden, spending the day at the park or taking a trip out of town, being surrounded by plants, flowers and animals is linked to numerous benefits for our health. Given its incredible power, nature can play a fundamental role in keeping a serious disease under control, which has no specific cure.

Living in nature is good for you – crmag.it

Spend a few hours in contact with nature – observing its colors and savoring its smells – can bring various benefits to our body. Green has a positive effect on our psyche, reducing stress and increasing relaxation. Our senses, when we are in the middle of nature, are awakened and the endocrine and hormonal systems are back in balance. The immune system is stimulated, while heart rate and breathing slow down.

Based on what emerged from an English study carried out by researchers of the European Center for Environment and Human Health, entitled MENE (Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment), to fully benefit from the effects of nature it would be necessary to allow yourself at least two hours a week in the open. The survey highlighted the fact that simply leaving your home and taking a walk in the garden or park can make a difference.

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Nature, the beneficial effects on a disease without a cure

Nature, as we have seen, is a real panacea for our well-being. In this article we will focus on its ability to reduce the symptoms of a disease such as Parkinson’s. The pathology does not have a specific cure, but there are various therapies that can be used to control the consequences. Among these, green stands out. This was confirmed by a research carried out in the United States between 2000 and 2016 and published in the scientific journal Jama.

The benefits of nature
Nature and Parkinson’s disease: the results of the study – crmag.it

The study involved 122 thousand people aged between 65 and 74 years. Half of the participants had Parkinson’s disease. The survey revealed that, among patients residing in green areas, the percentage of cases of hospitalization due to the pathology was decidedly lower. Nature has the same effects as a therapy for Parkinson’s patients, reducing the possibility that the latter are hospitalized due to the disease that afflicts them.

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