Home » To prevent this disease we must keep this very important blood value under control

To prevent this disease we must keep this very important blood value under control

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We often lead a lifestyle that is not really suitable if we want to keep our body and mind healthy. Too often then we decide to make some changes to our habits or our diet only when we notice the symptoms of something wrong. Yet, we now have all the tools to monitor our body from the comfort of home. In particular, to prevent this disease we must keep this very important blood value under control.

A very important value for health

Blood contains a whole host of information that can attest to the health of our body. Today we will focus on the values ​​that we can extract from simple blood tests. This is the blood sugar, which is the amount of sugar in the blood. To be considered healthy, blood sugar should remain between 80 and 120 mg / dl or 4.5 and 7 mmol / l. If we stay beyond these values ​​for a continued period of time, we could run into quite serious consequences. In particular, we may be preventing the body from self-regulating its blood sugar level.

The consequences of hyperglycemia

Very high blood glucose levels are a contributing cause of a very common dysfunction. In fact, a sedentary lifestyle and a high-calorie diet that leads to overweight can push us down the road to diabetes or prediabetes (Current news in dietetics and clinical nutrition, vol. 10, 12/2018, n. 2). Becoming diabetic means doing manually what the body is no longer able to do, which is to regulate the amount of sugar in the blood. This involves daily monitoring of blood glucose levels, calculating how many sugars we consume and “balancing” them with insulin injections.

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To prevent this disease we must keep this very important blood value under control

To avoid going this far, we must certainly change our diet and our habits in terms of physical activity. However, there are also factors that we cannot control, such as genetic or ethnic predisposition, high blood pressure or glucose intolerance. In any case, we should all have blood tests more often. If we find that our blood glucose values ​​are high too often, we should certainly consult our treating physician. Let us also remember that now we can also monitor blood sugar from home with practical devices also available in pharmacies.


This ingredient contained in many summer foods threatens our blood sugar levels

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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