Home » Fats in the blood, here are the foods that keep them under control

Fats in the blood, here are the foods that keep them under control

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Not just cholesterol, watch out for triglycerides. Proper nutrition can help us contain them

Blood fats, a problem that everyone worries about. The first “accused” is cholesterol, good or bad. All excesses can be traced back to this, instead the most present fats are triglycerides, which is the main type of fat circulating in the blood. If their level exceeds the normal threshold, the main ally to fight or prevent is good food. The symptoms that indicate high triglycerides are generally not evident because, unfortunately, there are no immediate symptoms that suggest an excess of triglycerides. In the face of this apparent calm, when levels are already slightly high (between 150 and 199 mg/dL), health risks can increase, because they put the health of the heart and arteries at risk.

If, then, the blood values ​​rise further and if they reach and exceed 200 mg/dL, cardiovascular risk increases to such an extent that it may be necessary to take drugs to reduce hypertriglyceridemia. The situation undergoes another aggravation starting from 500 mg/dL. At these concentrations, triglycerides also increase the risk to the pancreas, which can develop an inflammation commonly known as pancreatitis. Generally, triglycerides increase based on the diet you follow on a daily basis, but they can also rise due to the presence of other health problems such as: thyroid problems, liver and kidney disorders, type 2 diabetes, obesity, etc. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are also recognized risk factors for hypertriglyceridemia.

This is how our unbalanced nutrition it can cause their pathological increase: excess of calories and simple sugars; too many foods that have a high glycemic index and an excess of saturated fat. When taken in excess, sugars are converted into triglycerides in the liver, which can end up accumulating them, resulting in a condition called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, known as NAFLD. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease). The liver is also responsible for the production of VLDL (Very Low-Density Lipoprotein), or the worst fraction of triglycerides, because having the task of transporting triglycerides in the blood, they clog it with fat. There are still particles, the chylomicrons that are formed in the intestine following the absorption of fats of food origin, in the blood they are present in small traces but when the excess overflows in serious and full-blown pathology, defined as extreme hypertriglyceridemia, the blood it becomes milky white and thick. That’s why too much fat in the diet can cause triglycerides to rise. Excess fats are absorbed and distributed to the rest of the body in the form of triglycerides.

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Foods to limit when you have high triglycerides are those that contain a lot of saturated fats such as very fatty cuts of meat or chicken with all the skin, desserts too rich in butter, in other words excesses, which can promote or support the increase in blood triglycerides and they must limit and consume in moderation. On the other hand, the good foods that contribute to lowering them are: fish, in particular the one richest in Omega 3, which are polyunsaturated fatty acids known precisely for their ability to lower triglycerides such as salmon, but tuna, swordfish are also good , herring, sardines, anchovies and, in general, oily fish which provides significant doses of biologically active Omega 3s (EPA – eicosapentaenoic acid – and DHA – docosahexaenoic acid). Alternating them with other meat foods is a good way to ensure a harmonious diet. Losing weight can also affect the lowering of triglycerides. Also for this reason it is advisable to combine a diet suitable for promoting the reduction of hypertriglyceridemia with regular physical activity, especially of the aerobic type such as brisk walking, running, swimming and cycling.

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