Home » Off to the commission of inquiry into Covid: Pd and M5s tremble and do not vote

Off to the commission of inquiry into Covid: Pd and M5s tremble and do not vote

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Off to the commission of inquiry into Covid: Pd and M5s tremble and do not vote

It is necessary to shed light on emergency management Coronavirus in Italy, to clarify what happened regarding closures and any delays and omissions. In this regard, a new step has arrived that paves the way for commission of inquiry on Covid-19 in our country: the Social Affairs commission of the Chamber has given the green light to the basic text for the establishment of the bicameral commission. The centre-right and the Third Pole gave a favorable opinion, while the left-wing opposition did not take part in the vote.

What does the commission of inquiry into Covid do?

The fronts on which the commission of inquiry will be able to move are important, which will have the possibility of investigating the Italian management of the pandemic at 360 degrees. According to what has been learned and reported byAnsaunder the magnifying glass the purchases of sanitary material could end up (for example the masks) and measures taken by the government at the time such as closures. Not only that: it could also shed light on possible abuses and on the order relating to wheelchairs for schools.

In essence, clarity would be shed on the decisions taken in that period: among other things, the effectiveness, timeliness and results of the measures adopted by the executive and its support structures in an attempt to contrast, prevent, reduce the spread and the impact of the Coronavirus. It could also be ascertained “the reasons for not updating the national pandemic plan drafted in 2006“ei motivi”the failure to activate the national pandemic plan then in force“.

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Obviously it will be equally important to check the quality and price of the personal protective equipment purchased by the government and distributed to the Regions. In the same way, possible considerations could be made wasteirregularities and speculative phenomena “that have affected the activity, the purchasing procedures and the management of resources“.

Brothers of Italy: “It’s important to shed light”

Tommaso Foti, group leader of Brothers of Italy to the Chamber, he assured that there is absolutely no desire to replace the judiciary but that the intent is to do “clarity on many events that raise legitimate perplexities and doubts about the ways in which the pandemic has been tackled“. And the escape from the vote by the Pd and M5S cannot go unnoticed: “Perhaps they delude themselves that the best way to clarify is not to see, not to hear, not to speak“.

The establishment of the parliamentary commission of inquiry has taken a significant step forward. For Foti it is important that some light be shed “first of all out of respect for the health and paramedical personnel he did everything possible to save human lives, but also for the victims and their families“.

Pd and M5S tremble and do not vote

The basic text was adopted by the compact majority and by a part of the opposition such as the Third Pole. For their part Democratic party, 5 Star Movement and the Greens-Italian Left decided to abandon the meeting in protest before the vote. According to reports from theberaking latest newsparliamentary sources have targeted the center-right and Action-Italia Viva specifying that the position has matured following a choice “last minute that left no room for discussion“.

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The right just wants to exploit a tragedy“, is the accusation that came from the exponents of the Democratic Party. Who denounced alleged forcing of the majority: “They are unacceptable and demonstrate that the only goal is to use serious and dramatic events to spread propaganda on the skin of those who have suffered and fought against Covid“.

Second Chiara Appendino this commission of inquiry as it was voted “it is an insult to everyone who has lived through the pandemic“. The M5S deputy claimed the decision not to have taken part in the vote: “It’s a joke and we’re not into it“. The grillina was also whimpering Victoria Baldinoaccording to which the majority would like to use the commission of inquiry “like a political club against the opposition who at the time found themselves managing that complicated situation with their bare hands“.

Instead for John Alemannoformer mayor of Rome, the text of the law on the commission of inquiry is a success of the government majority and of the Third Pole: “It must become an important tool to give justice to all the people who have suffered from Covid and to avoid the recurrence of inadequately managed pandemic emergencies“.

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