Home » «2023 rebirth goal», a conference on the grounding of the Pnrr

«2023 rebirth goal», a conference on the grounding of the Pnrr

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«2023 rebirth goal», a conference on the grounding of the Pnrr

On Thursday 13 April from 9.30 to 13.20 at the Giorgio Squinzi Auditorium in Assolombarda the conference «Objective rebirth 2023. Grounding the Pnrr» of the Sole 24 Ore. During the meeting, the objectives achieved and objectives to be achieved of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan will be discussed: the point of the situation, an overview of the state of things told by Giorgia Aresu Partner of Kpmg and on the situation that has arisen in the construction sites between the new Procurement Code and the increase in the price of raw materials in an interview with the president of Ance, Federica Brancaccio.

We will also talk about how SMEs can access the funds. To explain it will be Luisella Altare, head of Corporate Italy Unicredit bringing company case histories. There are six missions and they will be discussed one by one. It starts with the first mission on the road towards ultra-broadband and 5G explained by Alessio Butti, undersecretary to the presidency of the Council for technological innovation and digital transition. The president of Cnit and the Restart Foundation, Nicola Blefari Melazzi and the director of Vodafone Business, Lorenzo Forina discuss it. The second mission concerns the green revolution against the energy crisis and it will be discussed by Paolo Gallo, CEO and director of Italgas, Giorgio Graditi, director of Enea, Stefano Granella, Chief Strategy & Growth a2a and Gelsomina Vigliotti, EIB vice president.

For the third mission, Edoardo Rixi, deputy minister of infrastructure and transport, and Thomas Baumgartner, president of Anita, will talk about the infrastructures in the pipeline that guarantee sustainable and safe mobility. The fourth mission on the revitalization of research and the university will be presented by Guido Saracco, rector of the Turin Polytechnic. The fifth mission explores the theme of new professional opportunities in the context of gender equality, with the intervention of Claudio Durigon, undersecretary of the Ministry of Labor and a reflection by Francesca Romana Recchia Luciani, professor of Humanistic Research and Innovation, at the University of Bari .

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The sixth mission is on healthcare to be safeguarded and modernised. Speakers include Andrea Costa, expert on implementation strategies of the Pnrr of the Ministry of Health, Enrico Coscioni, president of Agenas and Valentino Confalone, CEO and country president of Novartis Italia. We then move on to subsidized finance and Pnrr with the intervention of the president of the Finservice Group, Guido Rovesta and close with the discussion on which tools Italy can count on between Mes, Pnrr, possible Eurobonds, reform of the EU stability and growth pact with the intervention of Stefano Micossi, consultant for Assonime strategies and policies. The director of Il Sole 24 Ore, Fabio Tamburini, will open the works. Participation in the event is free upon registration. Partners of the event are Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, Kpmg, Novartis, UniCredit, while Official Partners are a2a, Ance and Italgas.

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