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Termination on medical advice

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Termination on medical advice

If patients become ill at work, they can be dismissed on medical advice. In this way, the three-month ban on unemployment benefits can often be avoided. You can see what doctors should know about it in our video.

Show patients a way out

Doctors are not only therapists, but often also comforters. Many doctors know the complete life story of their patients, their fears and worries. In some doctor-patient conversations, it turns out that the sleep disorders, stomach pains or chronic exhaustion have their origin in the patient’s professional environment.

Some patients are bullied, cut off or treated disrespectfully by supervisors or colleagues. Others get so much work on the table that they can’t save themselves. At some point the situation seems hopeless: the patient does not want to give notice because he does not want to become unemployed and, above all, does not want to risk a three-month block on unemployment benefits. The employer does not quit either. In the meantime, my health has continued to go downhill. But there is a solution: It is: dismissal on medical advice.

Avoid being blocked from receiving unemployment benefits

There is always a risk of a blocking period for receiving unemployment benefit if the employee has brought about the termination of the employment relationship himself, i.e. if he has given notice himself or if he has concluded a termination agreement. However, this blocking period can be avoided if the employee can prove an important reason for the termination of his employment relationship. Health problems are a prime example of such an important reason.

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Proof can be provided by a medical certificate in which the doctor documents that he advises the patient to terminate the employment relationship for health reasons.

Before leaving the doctor

It is important that the patient has not already given notice, but consults his or her doctor beforehand. The doctor must advise the patient to give up their job for health reasons and document this accordingly in the patient file. In the subsequent examination, the employment agency attaches great importance to ensuring that the termination is not based on behavior that violates social law. A particularly long period of incapacity to work is not absolutely necessary before this step, but it can underline the burden on the patient.

Visit the employment agency

Patients should also always contact the employment agency before being dismissed on medical advice and discuss the problem with their clerk. The ultimate decision as to whether the employment office will waive a ban is at its discretion. Doctors should point this out to their patients.

Use questionnaires from the Employment Agency

The patient should bring the “Questionnaire on termination of employment on medical advice” with them from their visit to the job center. The patient has to describe his place of work on this. He must also indicate whether he tried to resolve the issue with his employer. In the last part, the doctor must issue a medical opinion recommending termination of employment for health reasons. Ultimately, however, any medical certificate in which the doctor plausibly advises giving up employment is sufficient.

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take good care of patients

Good preparation for such a termination on medical advice is therefore extremely important. It decides whether the patient will be blocked from receiving unemployment benefits. Such termination issues are the exception rather than the rule in everyday practice. However, if doctors have heard of this before, they can better accompany their patients through this process and show a way out. This usually also contributes to a rapid improvement in the patient’s health situation.

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