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how to get back in shape after the holidays

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how to get back in shape after the holidays

With Easter and Easter Monday just over, the body and the silhouette have been particularly affected. A slice of dove and the ever-present chocolate eggs, together with a picnic or grilled pork chops with friends, have led to the accumulation of extra kilos. As the swimsuit test approaches, you need to be able to get rid of them and the diet after Easter is the right regimen to get back in shape. Let’s see how to do and what to eat to get back in shape after the holidays
Diet after Easter
For this reason, it is good to begin to find and recover your physical shape also in view of the swimsuit test and the diet after Easter is certainly the ideal regimen to follow in order to be able to wear those much loved jeans again.
With the holidays we tend to exaggerate with fats and condiments, but it’s quite normal considering all that we tend to consume in this period. The important thing, in these cases, is to try to get back on track, returning to a healthy and balanced lifestyle that was left out during the Easter period.
First of all, it is good to say that the kilos accumulated during the Easter period cannot be lost within a single day, but you need time and to follow the right method to get back in shape so quickly. Never rely on crash diets or forced fasts as they do not provide what you need.

Diet after Easter: the rules to follow
After Easter our diet, regardless of the weight we have reached, must change.
In particular, you must:
-prefer fruit away from meals for hunger-breaking snacks and eat plenty of vegetables that will serve to satiate you with few calories;
– drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day;
Bring a bottle of water with you to the office and drink often, it will also serve to limit the sense of hunger
– consume carbohydrates in minimal quantities, until 18:00; after this time avoid carbohydrates.
– prefer light dinners with white meats and fish;
– avoid sweets, carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
– prefer grilled and steamed cooking.
– eliminate wine, alcohol and spirits for a few days
– reduce sugar and salt
– favor menus based on fish, fruit, vegetables and white meats

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How to lose weight after Easter?
Another preliminary solution to lose weight after Easter lunches concerns the cycle of diets. We need to go back to a hearty breakfast, a super light lunch, and a very balanced dinner. It is absolutely useless, with a waste of health, to resort to forced fasting, while physical activity must be combined with a healthier diet. Even just for a thirty minute walk a day. Among other things, there are sports that are particularly suitable for this phase, such as swimming and golf.
Purifying diet for quick and lasting results
For the first 3 days follow a fast diet of 850 Calories per day.
The three days will be followed by 10 days in which you can follow a diet of 1200 calories per day.
Immediately after the 13 days with a low-calorie diet, maintain a correct food style and add a good dose of physical activity (at least 3 times a week), which is useful for getting your body back in motion and metabolizing the amount of excess calories assimilated in these days.
Let’s try a detox diet after the holidays, a quick, fairly painless diet without too many sacrifices.

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