Home » [Interview in Washington]Controversy expert in abortion drug case: a good opportunity to reverse the mistake | Mifeperidone | Supreme Court | Oral abortion drug

[Interview in Washington]Controversy expert in abortion drug case: a good opportunity to reverse the mistake | Mifeperidone | Supreme Court | Oral abortion drug

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[Interview in Washington]Controversy expert in abortion drug case: a good opportunity to reverse the mistake | Mifeperidone | Supreme Court | Oral abortion drug

[New Tang Dynasty News, Beijing time, April 15, 2023]Let’s focus on the hot topic in the United States again, the lawsuit of the abortion oral drug “Mefuperidone”. The Justice Department said on the 13th that it will escalate the dispute over the use of abortion pills to the Supreme Court.

Last week, a federal court in Texas outright banned the abortion drug Mifepredone. The pill is used in more than half of all abortions in the United States.

The Court of Appeal recently ruled that it would be allowed to be used again, but stipulated that the drug could not be sent by mail and moved the timing of use from ten to seven weeks of pregnancy.

However, the DOJ wants to overturn those restrictions by the appeals court, asking the U.S. Supreme Court to suspend the new rules that have been amended.

Katie Green, a member of the anti-abortion organization, said that the oral abortion drug “Mifepredone” has been flawed since it was approved for use in 2000. Now that this issue is getting attention, it is a good opportunity to reverse the mistakes.

“When Bill Clinton took office, he said in his first week in office, this is my administration’s priority. We’re going to get this done. In the final weeks of his presidency in 2000, it was finally approved and they had to go fast The channel process is complete.”

Green advises women to understand the possible harms before using “Mifeperidone”.

“When we look at studies in Europe, where they have single-payer health systems, we get better data. They show that as many as one in five women may end up hospitalized on these drugs. So if you consider For your own safety, it’s not safe, it’s not what you want to take.”

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Green said there are better ways for mother and fetus than taking abortion pills.

“Fortunately, we have more than a thousand pregnancy centers across the country and tons of other resources that want to help women who have unwanted pregnancies, are scared, and feel they need help. We want to help you. The solution is not to abort your baby. The solution The idea is to find someone, even a stranger, who will help you and take care of you and the baby.”

NTDTV reporter Melina Wisecup reports from Washington DC

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