Home » 野 Kim Byung-gi and Kim Tae-hyo’s ‘U.S. Wiretapping Remarks’, “absurd remarks that will remain in the history of wiretapping the world… bring humiliation to the people” :: sympathetic media Newsis news agency ::

野 Kim Byung-gi and Kim Tae-hyo’s ‘U.S. Wiretapping Remarks’, “absurd remarks that will remain in the history of wiretapping the world… bring humiliation to the people” :: sympathetic media Newsis news agency ::

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野 Kim Byung-gi and Kim Tae-hyo’s ‘U.S. Wiretapping Remarks’, “absurd remarks that will remain in the history of wiretapping the world… bring humiliation to the people” :: sympathetic media Newsis news agency ::

“The government, is there anything that needs to be shown well to the perpetrators?”

“I didn’t hear the reputation of being a lacking person, so why are you doing that?”

“A saying to Kim who made absurd remarks… ‘There are no secrets if the two know each other’”

[서울=뉴시스] Reporter Kim Seon-woong = Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Byeong-gi is questioning at the National Defense Commission plenary meeting held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the afternoon of the 5th. (Co-report photo) 2022.01.05. [email protected]

[서울=뉴시스]Reporter Hong Yeon-woo = Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Byung-gi dismissed Deputy Director Kim Tae-hyo of the National Security Office on the 16th, who stated to the effect that “there is no circumstance that the United States has wiretaped or wiretapped with malicious intent” in relation to the suspicion of wiretapping and wiretapping by the US intelligence authorities, such as the Korean National Security Office. He stormed towards him, saying, “Although there have been many evaluations of him as a person who is not doing well, I have not heard of him as a person who is not good enough. Why on earth are you doing that?”

Rep. Kim posted a post on his Facebook page this morning and said, “Since Deputy Chief Kim made an absurd remark that will remain in the provincial office, I will also tell you a famous quote from the wiretapping world.”

He said, “The suspicion of eavesdropping on the Yongsan presidential office turned out to be true. Furthermore, the current situation is going to be the worst of all the scenarios I was concerned about,” he said.

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He then pointed out, “With the absurd remark that will remain in the world‘s wiretapping history that it is not ‘malicious wiretapping’, we scrambled to solve the problem in a hurry, and finally an unprecedented regime appeared that even made excuses instead of the perpetrator.”

Also, “How should I understand the Yoon Seok-yeol government? Is it really voluntarily defending the United States, or is something leaked that should never be disclosed. So, rather, is there something that should be shown to the perpetrator?”

“Otherwise, I don’t understand why it is so damaging to the national prestige and humiliating the people,” he criticized.

Deputy Director Kim Tae-hyo of the National Security Office, who arrived in the United States on the 11th (local time), met with reporters at Dulles Airport near Washington, DC. Circumstances have not been found,” he said.

◎Sympathy Media Newsis [email protected]

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