Home » UNE claims lack of attention from the authorities on Teacher’s Day

UNE claims lack of attention from the authorities on Teacher’s Day

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UNE claims lack of attention from the authorities on Teacher’s Day


On Thursday, April 13, the Ecuadorian Teacher’s Day was celebrated, in homage to Juan Montalvo. In Pastaza, the teachers of the National Union of Educators (UNE) commemorated the unionist struggle that has allowed them to equalize their salaries and recover the month followed by vacations with the reform of the Organic Law of Education. But, there is non-compliance by the State, for which reason the dismissal of the Minister has been requested.

Iván Castillo, President of UNE Pastaza.

This Friday, April 14, the solemn session for Teacher’s Day will be held in the UNE auditorium in Pastaza. The gold ring will be given to teachers who have completed 25 years of service and recognition to teachers who have retired after 30 years of work and 60 years of age.

Iván Castillo Guerrón, president of the UNE of Pastaza, stressed that the celebrations and the gold ring are financed with resources from the contributions of teachers. “All the activities have been carried out outside working hours, because the Ministry of Education does not grant permission during working hours,” said the unionist leader.

The aforementioned conquests have been won with mobilizations, marches and with the hunger strike, Castillo said. He insisted that the Minister of Education does not comply with the allocation of resources for education and that it does not comply with the Education Law, among other things, with the implementation of the baccalaureate by specialties.

Therefore, it hopes that the National Assembly responds to the UNE’s request for censure and dismissal of the Minister; request that has been presented last February.

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Among other activities for Teacher’s Day, the proclamation, the Thanksgiving Mass, the sports championship and the Solemn Session stand out.

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