Home » Region and Carisbo Foundation together for strategic social and health assistance interventions in the metropolitan city of Bologna — Health

Region and Carisbo Foundation together for strategic social and health assistance interventions in the metropolitan city of Bologna — Health

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Bonaccini-Donini: “A very important collaboration to make increasingly innovative tools and services available to our communities”. Beghelli: “A path capable of projecting the health-hospital facilities of the area further into the future”

The agreement, formalized by a resolution of the Regional Council and the Board of Directors of the Foundation, is valid for five years. Two interventions have already been identified: they concern the Sant’Orsola Polyclinic and the Bellaria Hospital, for a total investment of 14.5 million euros. 10 of the Region and 4.5 of the Carisbo Foundation and Intesa Sanpaolo

April 19, 2023 – Emilia Romagna region e Carisbo Foundation together to realize strategic interventions in favor of the community in the field of social and health care. The partnership, formalized by signing a protocol multi-year agreementalso provides a investment Of 14.5 million euros, of which 10 from the Region and 4.5 from the Carisbo Foundation e Of Intesa Sanpaolo.

Approved by a resolution of the Regional Council and by the governing bodies of the Carisbo Foundation, the agreement is valid for five years and is part of the path of interinstitutional collaboration public-private which provides for a coordinated series of actions to be implemented in the territories under the jurisdiction of the Ausl of the Metropolitan City of Bologna.

The first implementation interventions have already been identified, proposed by the companies of the Bologna metropolitan area in the context of two strategic areas.

The first concerns the enhancement of the diagnostic and therapeutic instrumental heritage of Local Health Trusts, with the replacement of the Synergy model linear accelerator of radiotherapy of theBellaria Hospital with the innovative robotic technology of radiosurgery and stereotactic radiotherapy called Cyberknife, which will also be available for the other health-hospital facilities of the metropolitan city (in particular the Rizzoli Institute, the Maggiore Hospital, the S. Orsola-Malpighi Polyclinic). The procedure for carrying out the project is expected to start by April, promoted by the Carisbo Foundation in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo for an estimated value of 4.5 million euros.

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The second area of ​​intervention aims at infrastructural upgrading of the social and health reception system, with the creation of one structure in the area bordering the Policlinico Sant’Orsola for the reception of cancer patients or organ transplant candidates in the pre- and post-intervention phases. An investment with an estimated value 10 million eurosand procedure to be launched by July 2023.

The leitmotif of the two initiatives and of the signed protocol: an interinstitutional collaboration which guarantees, within the regional health service, the better patient care and the provision of appropriate care, thanks to latest generation biomedical technologies; and at the same time is able to offer patients a welcome in conditions of high standards of comfort.

“The protocol and the important resources that the Region, the Carisbo Foundation and Intesa Sanpaolo make available – underline the president of the Region, Stefano Bonaccini, and the councilor for health policies, Raffaele Donini – draw up a strategic collaboration in the social and health sector, which has the aim of making increasingly innovative tools and services available to our communities. We thank the Carisbo Foundation and Intesa Sanpaolo not only for the amount of resources made available, but for the quality of the process undertaken, of which these interventions represent only the first step”.

“The signing of this protocol establishes the start of an important institutional collaboration process between the Region and the Carisbo Foundation, already capable of immediately implementing the first strategic interventions in the social and health sector – comments the president of the Foundation, Paul Beghelli -. A path capable of projecting the health-hospital facilities of the metropolitan city of Bologna further into the future, also thanks to the contribution of Intesa Sanpaolo which supports us in the commitment aimed at strengthening the instrumental, diagnostic and therapeutic heritage of our excellence”.

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“Thanks to the consolidated collaboration between the bank, local authorities and institutions, Intesa Sanpaolo is an engine for sustainable and inclusive development, both with direct tools and projects of the Group and through interventions also implemented in healthcare – he explains Alessandra Florio, Emilia-Romagna regional director of Intesa Sanpaolo -. Through projects such as the one designed to equip the local health system with Cyberknife technology launched in synergy with the Carisbo Foundation, it is our priority to increasingly confirm our vocation as a bank attentive to local needs, identifying and supporting the best solutions for constant and harmonious shareholder development – economic of the territory”.

A public-private institutional partnership which is not limited to the interventions identified in the protocol, but already look beyond: was established a Joint committee of joint monitoring, which will evaluate the opportunity to extend the contents of the agreement to new areas of priority interest and to validate proposals, projects, feasibility studies also coming from subjects other than the signatories.

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