Home Ā» Nigeria: law to avoid flight of doctors abroad is being studied

Nigeria: law to avoid flight of doctors abroad is being studied

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In an effort to stem the “brain drain” in the medical field, Nigerian lawmakers are examining a bill that would detain doctors for at least five years in the country before they can graduate. The measure requires young doctors to be obliged to practice for at least five years in Nigeria before being able to complete their degree and then leave the country.

This controversial proposal has been publicly supported by the Nigerian Minister of Health, but for the Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors (Nard) the law would be in conflict with freedom of movement. The president of the association would prefer the authorities to address the causes of the problem: low pay, poor infrastructure and insecurity, which alienate doctors.

According to the president of the Nigerian Medical Association, only 24,000 doctors work in Africa’s most populous country, while according to the World Health Organization, 363,000 are needed. In Nigerian hospitals, it is not uncommon for doctors to leave: every month, dozens of them pack up and leave for abroad, sometimes overnight.

A 2022 report showed that Britain issued 1,609 visas to Nigerian medical personnel over the course of the year. [Da Redazione InfoAfrica]

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