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yes, it does what you think too

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yes, it does what you think too
Menstrual cycle calculator – Passionetecnologica.it

The new update of Samsung Health Galaxy Whatch 5 Pro will be able to predict the menstrual cycle by means of body temperature.

The company announced the news Samsung, which provides for an all-female update. New technologies are able to help us in our daily life and the basal body temperature detectioncan be a great ally for our health, and beyond.

The basal temperature, together with the classic menstrual calendar, represent a strong prediction on the phases of the female cycle. This is a real breakthrough, as, the calendar alone is not totally reliable since the menstrual cycle is often influenced by several factors. Currently in the smartwatches on the market there are already the functions of health monitoringbut within the new update (including Samsung), a new function dedicated to the female audience will be available.

Tracking the menstrual cycle

Currently, to detect the complete menstrual cycle in all its phases, we rely on two measuring meters, one in particular is the most used: the menstrual calendar. This is measured on the basis of normal physiological functions, but various variations in the organism (both internal and external factors) can compromise the prediction. For many women know the exact period of ovulation represents an important factor both if you are looking for a pregnancy, but also if you want to avoid it.

The second method is certainly the least practical: monitor basal body temperature (BTT), which varies according to the menstrual period. To detect changes accurately, you need to measure your temperature every day, preferably at the same time. This method however, turns out impractical, that’s why a tool that can do that fully automatically, it can be really useful.

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The menstrual calculator function

Temperature sensors are not simple thermometers, but have the task of detecting the skin temperature. This is possible thanks to an infrared sensor which has the task of detecting anomalous variations, which can be the alarm bell of any health problems, both physical and psychological (stress, anxiety and tiredness). Among the many uses of this tool, some interesting functions have been discovered on the variations of the woman during the ovulation period.

Menstrual cycle calculator - Passionetecnologica.it (2)
Menstrual cycle calculator – Passionetecnologica.it

How to activate the function

To use this feature, first you need to make sure you have the update Samsung Health, after that that will be enough add data about your menstrual cycle activating the option “Predict menstruation with skin temperature”from your settings. Once the function is activated, the smartwatch will collect all the information. The predictions will be shown in the form of a graph.

Important: although this technology is very precise, must not replace in no way a contraceptive, as the result is not totally predictable. If you are avoiding pregnancy, or on the contrary you are planning one, it is highly advisable to consult your doctor.

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