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MIDUVI manages lease bonds for affected families

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MIDUVI manages lease bonds for affected families


After the catastrophe that occurred in the Alausí canton, the Ministry of Development and Housing (MIDUVI) will provide help to victims with the delivery of rental bonds for those who lost their homes in the landslide.

José David Mueses, Regional Coordinator 3 of the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing.

Since the tragedy that occurred in Alausí, MIDUVI has been providing humanitarian support to all the affected families, in addition to the search for the missing deceased. “Within ground zero, we have carried out the corresponding mapping from the cadastre in the municipality of Alausí, where there is a direct impact on the destruction of 57 homes,” said José David Mueses, Regional Coordinator 3 of the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing.

According to the statements obtained by Mueses, the staff of the MIDUVI management has been immediate, since the management would have contacted the victims and survivors to provide the corresponding help, “we contacted the families affected and various of the survivors, we have analyzed the situation and we will proceed to manage the signing of some lease agreements; Currently we already have 23 signatures of legalized agreements that in the next few days will be transformed into lease bonds, which will benefit all the families from Alause who lost their homes ”, he concluded.

Authorities carry out the tour in ground zero to verify the current status of the affected families.


From the technical office of Chimborazo, together with MIDUVI, they continue working on the management of properties in order to generate housing plans. “Families have lost their homes and even more sensitive their relatives; It is for this reason that we have activated with Petro Ecuador to request that the processing processes be accelerated and not to proceed with expropriation, but to see a transfer process of the Petro Ecuador properties, where we plan a housing project for the future,” he emphasized. .

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According to the plans and studies carried out in other provinces of zone 3, the projection of homes to be delivered would be from 30 to 50 homes that can be inserted in the requested property; however, the specific number will be defined based on the needs of ground zero, and that people plan within the process based on the Ministerial Agreement that is in force. “The vouchers have a maximum of USD 225 per month, depending on where people want to stay, since they are the ones who decide and look for the place to stay. The Ministry has nothing to do with it and that is our advantage, since we accompany people until the moment they are located”, Muese stressed.

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