Home » At Palazzo d’Avalos “The paths of memory” in memory of Davide Centofanti

At Palazzo d’Avalos “The paths of memory” in memory of Davide Centofanti

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At Palazzo d’Avalos “The paths of memory” in memory of Davide Centofanti

Memory, what is it and how can it be realized? How can memory accompany us on the journey of life and what can it represent? Seemingly trivial, linear questions, the answers to which can appear all too obvious. But it’s not like that. And weaving the threads of memory, following its paths building the present with an eye to the future can become an opportunity to question oneself deeply, reinvent oneself at every opportunity, reflect.

Memory for Abruzzo is a word that is inextricably linked to earthquake of April 6, 2009, to that cursed night. Under the rubble of Student house he was snatched from the waist too Davide Centofanti. Fourteen years have passed and every anniversary is a time for reflection, for questioning how to continue the memory, keep the debate alive, «to take different paths, reinvent life and value the present» with a memory that «must not be an end in itself » he emphasized to us Liliana Centofanti on April 6 this year.

Sunday afternoon it will be Liliana Centofanti who will dialogue with the authors of the novel «The way home» Amedeo Del Balzo e Gaetano Gravina. «Paths of memory» the meeting already held in L’Aquila replies in Vasto and will be an opportunity to present the novel. «A tale of many “memories”, as many paths as the protagonists find themselves travelling, and of many compass-images that resurface and help to trace new paths of memory, in the belief that one does not suffer from memory, but one heals ».

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The appointment is at 16.30 at the Pinacoteca of Palazzo d’Avalos. «In memory of Davide Centofanti» reads the poster that mentions “The tenderness” Of Gianni D’Amelio. «An Arab poet says that happiness is not a place, it is not a goal to reach but a home to return to. That’s not in front, it’s behind. Come back, don’t go. And each of us knows it.”

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