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Ivica Dacic vote Serbia BiH Kosovo | Info

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Ivica Dacic vote Serbia BiH Kosovo |  Info

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, said that the abstention of Ukraine and Bosnia and Herzegovina during the vote for the membership of the self-proclaimed Kosovo in the Council of Europe will affect Serbia’s position because Belgrade will henceforth abstain on the issue of territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Source: Mondo/Stefan Stojanović

“What would we be for the territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, if they voted with abstention”, said Dacic to RTS, commenting on the vote by which Prishtina’s application for the Council of Europe was accepted.

He pointed out that Ukraine unpleasantly surprised Serbia with its attitude, which condemned the violation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity in all resolutions, and the same is the case with Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Dacic pointed out that Kosovo’s application for membership in the Council of Europe violated the procedure in that organization.

He pointed out that the sequence of events shows that there was no normal procedure, but that Prishtina was rewarded for something, but the question arises for what.

“Is this a reward for the fact that for 10 years they did not form a community of Serbian municipalities / ZSO? So how did the Council of Europe not state that the ZSO had to be formed, because Catherine Ashton signed it on behalf of the EU?”, Dacic asked.

According to his assessment, it is obvious that Germany promised the Prime Minister of the self-proclaimed Kosovo, Aljbin Kurti, that they would reward him for some “constructiveness”.

“Here it is shown who is the favorite of some Western countries, in this case Quinte. Kurti conditioned them with supposed constructiveness and the announcement that he wants to discuss the ZSO, which is ridiculous, hypocritical and rude”said Dacic.

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The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe decided yesterday to start the procedure for considering the request of the so-called Kosovo for admission to that organization.


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