Home » Business closures: number of pharmacies in Germany falls below 18,000

Business closures: number of pharmacies in Germany falls below 18,000

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Business closures: number of pharmacies in Germany falls below 18,000
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The number of pharmacies in Germany falls below 18,000


Demographic change and online competition: For years, more pharmacies have been closing than opening

Source: dpa/Marcus Brandt

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17 new openings contrasted with 146 closures last year: more and more pharmacies are closing in Germany. The Association of Pharmacists already sees the quality of care for patients at risk and is demanding higher flat rates.

DThe number of pharmacies in Germany continues to fall and has now fallen below the 18,000 mark. At the end of March there were still 17,939 pharmacies, according to data from the Federal Union of German Pharmacist Associations (Abda), which is available to the German Press Agency. This was 129 fewer pharmacies than at the end of last year – 17 new openings faced 146 closures.

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According to the information, this is the lowest number of pharmacies in more than 40 years. Main pharmacies and branches are recorded, of which pharmacists can operate up to three.

The Vice-Chairman of the German Association of Pharmacists, Hans-Peter Hubmann, said: “Each individual pharmacy closure has a direct impact on the quality of care for patients”. Now the question arises as to how long high-quality care can be maintained across the board under the current conditions.

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This is made more difficult by an increased shortage of skilled workers, demographic change, sluggish digitization and bureaucratic burdens.

In view of the tense economic situation in pharmacies, the association is calling for a fee increase. The lump sum of 8.35 euros per prescription drug for advice, which has not been increased for ten years, must rise to 12 euros. It must also be regularly adjusted to the cost development.

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