Home » Sudan, WHO: laboratory with viruses and diseases taken, serious biological risk

Sudan, WHO: laboratory with viruses and diseases taken, serious biological risk

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Sudan, WHO: laboratory with viruses and diseases taken, serious biological risk

Sudan: WHO, biological risk from laboratory occupation

Biological alarm in Sudan: WHO launched itwho warned of the existence of “biological risks” due to the occupation of a laboratory by the fighters.

Sudan, rebels occupy a biological laboratory. WHO: “High risk”

Biological risks have been defined by WHO as “very high” following the occupation by the military of a national health laboratory. “Yesterday I received a call from the head of the central public health laboratory – said the representative in Sudan of the Ginecra organization, Dr. Nima Saeed Abid, at a press conference in Geneva. “They sent away all the laboratory technicians, which is now completely under the control of one of the parties to the conflict and used as a military base”. The situation, he added, is “extremely dangerous” because the laboratory contains samples of rubella, cholera and polio pathogens. This occupation therefore entails “an enormous biological risk”, he insisted. WHO has already verified 14 attacks on health facilities since the start of the clashes in Sudan, resulting in 8 deaths and 2 injuries. “Attacks against health centers must stop,” WHO asked.

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