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Liberation, too many assassins considered as heroes

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Liberation, too many assassins considered as heroes

President Mattarella visits Cuneo on 25 April

Well Meloni and Mattarella. But the fighters killed by the PCI partisans after 25/4 were also Italian

Giorgia Meloni was very clear, in the long letter to Corriere della Sera, printed on the day of her first party on April 25, as a tenant of Palazzo Chigi, born 22 years after the Liberation. The first party of the nation is “incompatible”, underlined the leader of FdI, with the nostalgia of fascism and those “engraved in the Constitution” are the “values ​​trampled on by fascism, love for democracy is the antidote to all totalitarianisms”. The no “to those who intend to draw divisions, on this terrain, to be used as an instrument of delegitimization of the adversary” is acceptable.

The choice of Corriere della Sera as recipient of the letter is significant, not only as the most widely circulated newspaper, but above all because it has never given up on its mission as a balanced newspaper, not aggressive, euphemism, like other newspapers, lined up against the number one of the party most voted by the voters. They, in a democracy, are the real and most credible teachers.

And they have greater legitimacy than those who speak of (or rather: wish for) a “divided Italy”. And, in an attempt to create difficulties for the prime minister, they praise the speech delivered in Onna, 14 years ago, by a historic enemy of the left and its newspapers, Berlusconi, and they rejoice at the return to the scene of the “little political theater” of the dauphin of the fascist Almirante, Fini, who led a right-wing party, which obtained less than half of the votes of the Brothers of Italy.

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The right choice by Mattarella to remember, in the Cuneo area, “the land of the 12,000 partisans, of the 2,000 killed in combat and of the 2,600 victims of the Nazi-fascist massacres”. Like many Italians, the Head of State has read the “Sangue dei vinti”, written 20 years ago by the late Giampaolo Pansa, and is informed about the vendettas carried out by the Communists after 25 April. Yet talking about it is still taboo. Many of those victims, Italians like the dead honored yesterday, didn’t wear any uniform and too many killers were considered heroes.

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