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Legumes and sport: the benefits and contraindications

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Legumes and sport: the benefits and contraindications

Legumes are a group of plants that includes beans, lentils, peas and chickpeas. I’m a’excellent source of vegetable protein, fiber, essential vitamins and minerals. They have been a staple in many cultures for centuries and are a versatile ingredient in many dishes.
In addition to their nutritional value, these seeds found inside the pods are also known for their environmental benefits. They are a sustainable crop, as they have the ability to fix nitrogen in the soil, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers. Beans, lentils, peas and chickpeas are also a low-cost source of protein, making them an important food source for people in developing countries.

What are legumes

Here is one list of common legumes that can be easily found for sale or even cultivate in your own garden:

Black beans
This (this)
Kidney beans
Lima beans
Sea beans
Pinto beans
Red beans
Split peas

Legumes and sport: the benefits

I leguminous they can offer many benefits to active and sporty peopleamong which:

High protein content: Legumes are an excellent source of plant-based protein, which is important for building and repairing muscle after exercise. Protein is also important for athletes to maintain muscle mass and aid recovery. To learn more, read also how many proteins are needed per day for those who play sports.

Rich in fiber: Legumes are rich in fiber, which can help improve digestive health, regulate blood sugar levels and promote feelings of satiety. This can be especially important for athletes who need sustained energy during workouts. In this regard, you can also read how to be able to eat more fibers every day and without effort.

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Rich in iron: Legumes are a good source of iron, which is important for healthy blood cells and oxygen transport. Athletes may be at a higher risk of iron deficiency due to their bodies’ increased demands, so consuming iron-rich foods such as legumes may be beneficial.

Few fats: Legumes are low in fat and are therefore an excellent food for athletes who need to maintain a healthy weight and body composition. Also find out which foods with a high protein content and low fat are ideal for sportsmen.

Sustainable source of protein: Legumes are a low-cost and sustainable source of protein, which can be important for athletes who want to minimize their impact on the environment while still fueling their bodies for performance.

Potential contraindications for those who practice sports

Although legumes offer many nutritional benefits, their consumption has some potential disadvantageswhich:

Digestive problems: Legumes contain complex carbohydrates that can be difficult for some people to digest, causing gas, bloating and other digestive upsets. Soaking, sprouting or cooking legumes can help reduce these effects.

Antinutrients: Legumes contain compounds known as antinutrients, such as phytates and lectins, which can interfere with the absorption of some minerals and nutrients. However, soaking, sprouting or cooking legumes can help reduce the levels of these compounds.

Allergies: Some people may have an allergy or intolerance to legumes, which can cause symptoms such as hives, swelling, or difficulty breathing.


Legumes are a healthy and nutritious food that can provide many benefits to active and sporty people, including improved muscle recovery, sustained energy, and support for overall health and well-being. However, those with digestive issues, allergies, or other health concerns should speak to a healthcare professional before incorporating legumes into their diet.

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Photo by Shelley Pauls / engin akyurt on Unsplash


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