Home » Covid and school, Figliuolo aims at 60% of vaccinated students – breaking latest news

Covid and school, Figliuolo aims at 60% of vaccinated students – breaking latest news

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Rome, 22 July 2021 – “The goal is that everyone can go to school in attendance, everything that needs to be done for this will be done, “said the premier Mario Draghi in the press conference after the CDM that gave the green light to the new one Covid decree with the Italian Green pass. And the premier specified: “It seemed to us that today’s decree was already very complicated to embrace all the problems: school, transport and work have remained out of today’s decree and will be dealt with very quickly, perhaps next week. specific measures “.
But the world of school is in fibrillation: September arrives in the blink of an eye and the themes of the vaccines for teachers and students over 12, transport and distances are still all on the table. THE principals they warn: “Dad will be inevitable if distance cannot be guaranteed.” And the undersecretary Andrea Costa pushes for the‘vaccination obligation to prof.

The bet is to reach the maximum number of vaccinations for students and teachers in view of the next school year. Commissioner Figliuolo is pressing: in a new letter sent to the Regions, he invites them to “take the necessary actions to give priority to the administration towards students aged 12 years or older “.
As already stated a month ago, it reiterates the need to pursue “the maximum vaccination coverage of school staff through active involvement” and asking to have a generic “quantification” of non-adhesions for statistical purposes, respecting privacy and personal choices.

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Figliuolo’s goal

“Now we have to focus on the school – explains the Commissioner – The goal is to have the 60% of children vaccinated to be able to return in presence or with very few limitations “. The aim is also to” exceed 85% of vaccinated school staff today and above all to affect those regions that do not allow us to rest assured “.
The government reiterates that school is an “absolute” priority. “The goal is all in attendance, at the start of the school year: everything that needs to be done will be done”, said Prime Minister Draghi at the end of today’s Cdm, adding that the theme of school and transport will be addressed in another Cabinet. For Minister Speranza “the goal is to reach the highest possible percentage of vaccinated people in school. Today the data is already positive, among teachers we are 85% vaccinated“.
For the Association of Deans, however, it is “absolutely essential to assume the responsibility of the political decision-maker for the choice between face-to-face teaching and distance teaching. The latter method will be inevitable if it is not possible to ensure distancing”.

Vaccine for children: the data

As for children, according to the data updated to date, in the age group between 12 and 19 years, 71.35% received no dose of vaccine. On the other hand, the percentage of completely vaccinated subjects stands at 11.59%, while the slice of people waiting for the second dose is 17.06%.

Costa: vaccination obligation hypothesis

Even the Undersecretary of Health, Andrea Costa, hopes for a “convinced” response from all teaching and non-teaching staff to vaccination “understanding the civic value of this gesture”. “If, however, on August 20 the problem persists, I believe it is appropriate – explains Costa – evaluate the hypothesis of compulsory vaccination for this category: everything must be done to guarantee face-to-face teaching “.
On this point, Minister Speranza limits himself to saying that “there is a 15% to be recovered and I believe that we must evaluate all the potential instruments to recover this 15%”.

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The Ministry of Education

For its part, the Ministry of Education, in a circular signed by the head of department Stefano Versari in which it defines how “vaccination is ethically necessary“of the school staff, affirms that” the primary objective is to achieve the conditions suitable for ensure face-to-face teaching at school, in classrooms, laboratories, canteens, gyms, service spaces, courtyards and outdoor gardens, in any other school environment “.
In the circular, the head of department cites some references to the latest health opinion of the CTS of 12 July last and announces that the Dicastery “will soon issue the ‘Document for planning didactic, educational and training activities in all institutions of the National Education System ( School Plan 2021/2022) “aimed as much as possible at resuming in presence. School year that will culminate, according to the calendar issued today, on June 22, 2022 with the first written test for the final exams.

Bianchi’s tweet

“The commitment of the whole government is to go back to school in the presence. The President #Draghi also reiterated this clearly this evening. #Vaccinations are a fundamental piece of this path. Getting vaccinated is an act of responsibility for the #security of all“.

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