Home » Health: the focus is on territorial medicine and technology

Health: the focus is on territorial medicine and technology

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The new regional health reform was presented in the Lombardy region, a bill, as explained by the president Attilio Fontana, approved by the council and which will see, among other things, the strengthening of territorial medicine and the approach of services in the area to avoid inappropriate or excessive access to hospitals. General practitioners and hospital specialists who will be assigned to a series of services in the area will be fundamental.

Governor Fontana then announced: “216 community houses, 100 districts, 64 community hospitals”, or “the points of reference for taking charge of the Lombards and for the implementation of proximity medicine”. This new organization will be possible thanks to a turnaround by the Government which has returned to investing in health care after the continuous cuts, which began with 7 billion in 2012 and ended with 20 billion in 2019.

“The pandemic”, said the president of the region, “has left us wounds that will certainly never heal, but also the strength to start again stronger than before. And today a new phase begins with this measure. We have learned how important it is to systematize technological innovation within the processes of taking charge. For this reason the community houses, which can be managed by general practitioners, also gathered in a cooperative, will be equipped with cutting-edge equipment and telemedicine that will favor home care ”.

Fontana then highlighted how “the theme of personnel remains central”. “The national government – he explained – must now ensure that greater investments go hand in hand with the increase in specialist stock exchanges and the overcoming of closed numbers, especially for the most deficient branches”.

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Concluding his analysis, Fontana highlighted the attention paid to research and sport. “Our proposal envisages the creation of a regional network of biomedical research and innovation in the life sciences. A hub, coordinated by the public law Irccs, which, by involving research bodies and universities, encourages initiatives to develop technology transfer in collaboration with businesses. Fundamental, then, is the enhancement of sports and physical activity as an integral part of the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation paths and central element of a correct lifestyle “.

“For the construction of this review – concluded Fontana – an important action was taken to listen to all the interested parties. I thank Vice-President Moratti, the Directorate General for Welfare, the President of the Commission, advising Emanuele Monti and all the members of the Commission for this great work for their discussions with patient associations, trade unions, general practitioners and all stakeholders. public and private “.

“The goal”, said Letizia Moratti, deputy governor and councilor for welfare, in turn, “is the care of the person: to accompany them in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in a path that must not have gaps”. But here are the key principles of the approved text:

– a ‘One health‘ approach: that is, the construction of a governance that ensures the protection and promotion of overall health for people, animals and the environment (global health);

– freedom of choice: that is, the protection of citizens’ freedom to choose the facilities and health personnel, which have always been a heritage of the regional health service;

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-public-private relationship: that is, equivalence and integration within the regional health system (SSR) of the health and socio-health offer of public and accredited private structures;

– agreement between the world of production, universities and scientific research.

Vice-president Moratti also indicated a time schedule from the entry into force of the law:

within 90 days:

– Establishment of districts and appointment of directors;
– Establishment of primary care departments and functional prevention departments;

within 6 months:

– Establishment of the Center for the prevention and control of infectious diseases;

within 6 months of the establishment of the districts:

– Realization of the Territorial Operational Centers (Cot);
– Construction of Hospitals and Community Houses;
– Community hospitals: 26 in 2022, 19 in 2023, 19 in 2024;
– Community Houses: 86 in 2022, 65 in 2023, 65 in 2024;

within 3 years: Completion of the expansion of the territorial network.

The proposal assigns an important role to General Practitioners and Pediatricians of free choice, telemedicine, training, universities and research.

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